Getting a puppy AKC registered?

scbatz33 wrote: If they do proper testing, vaccinations and registration along with feeding a good quality diet and proper housing and such then breeders take a loss. Throwing a couple dogs together in the back yard and raising them in your garage doesn't cost a whole lot, but breeders who breed for improvement of their breed, who take the time to show and are SERIOUS about their dogs don't make a profit. Most dont break even.

That's what many breeders want you to think. You can do all the proper testing, vaccinations and quality food, proper housing and good bloodlines and make money. I've seen it done many times. If I would have not gotten sick and not had to sell my kennel I would have made lots of money. I feed Royal Canin, had nice bloodlines, was at my vets (2 tryed to hire me) almost ever week. You can do it right and make money.​
If they do proper testing, vaccinations and registration along with feeding a good quality diet and proper housing and such then breeders take a loss. Throwing a couple dogs together in the back yard and raising them in your garage doesn't cost a whole lot, but breeders who breed for improvement of their breed, who take the time to show and are SERIOUS about their dogs don't make a profit. Most dont break even.

Most breeders dont test every pup they produce..
They test the parents... So..yea, you have THAT initial money up-front..
And vaccines are CHEAP ..MOST breeders give their own vaccines. (except rabies)...
but if you are selling your pups for $1,500 - $2000 each.. X 6-10 pups...X a couple litters a year ..X several years...
Then, NO way that i believe that they dont make ANY money on those pups...
Noone will convince me otherwise..
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Last time a checked I make money even at $300 each. My dogs eat better than I do an live in the house an until a rat ate my Ethernet cord I even had a web cam on them showing how they were kept. I dont show because I breed for the healthiest dog I can an healthy an best in show are not compatible in my opinion, especially in pugs.

Edited to add.
But then I get told there is no money in chickens an I turn a profit there too.
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Yeah your right, Redhen. And I would lay money that the majority of these show breeders don't turn in the amount they get from their puppy sales. It doesn't matter if they are not making money or if it's a hobby they still have to report it and pay taxes on it.
If a breeder is breeding for improvement, breeding for the breed and not for popping out as many puppies as possible in a given year, then no, they don't make a ton of money. Breeders who also show their dogs, who travel who are serious about putting out the best dogs possible work for quality not quantity.

I used to work for a lady who had the #2 Springer Spaniel in the country. She shows all over the US. She also bred Flat Coated retrievers. She would have a litter or maybe two a year. She had people lined up out the door for her dogs. But she was far from "making a killing" on her dogs.

She was a groom and a professional handler to help pay the bills. She had a lovely kennel and cared deeply for her dogs. They weren't a money factory for her. She really really worked hard to produce and show and carry on the best lines possible.

People like her don't make "lots of money" off their dogs because they aren't breeding them for a profit. They are breeding them to produce the best dog possible.

Kudos to anyone who can make a ton of money while still traveling, showing and breeding quality dogs. I've yet to meet such a person.
OOh no...i dont say thay make a TON of money.. especially with the travelling and show fees...
but i dont like to see people say they make NO money...
Because i think thats a bold face lie.
Thats all i mean...
As a breeder of German Shepherds I would rather have 1 or 2 litters a year and know they are going to good homes. I have had people on a 2 year waiting list for my babies. So if you are raising registered or non the bottom line is they need good homes. Persoanlly we have an obligation to better the breed without increasing disparities in the dog.

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