Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

"First world" problems..........

The trials and tribulations of those whe were blessed with being born in the lucky countries.

LBC picked up my boxes already and its only 8am. When the post office opens I have 8 boxes of eggs to pick up.

Then its off to buy a ham to take over for christmas dinner. Vons has them for 88c/lb. The rels will devour it in 20 mins. Its 15 bucks a pound over there at this time of the year. All those pigs and so little ham and bacon. Maybe I need to start curing meats lol.
I am assuming no permits are required for all this expansion/building???
outbuildings and houses built in the bahay kubo (thatched hut) style dont require permits- that includes plywood construction such as the coops egg house and goat house.. The piggery will but the permit is just a nominal fee and formality.

Even though building there, all my concrete construction, electrical and plumbing conforms to US building codes. I want it to last.
And now it dawns on me on why ham is so expensive there! Cool is not so cheap there. Have you run across the excellent pig farmer Walter Jeffries blog for his Sugar Mountain Farm? He's here in Vermont so the climate is very different but you might be interested in his methods and plans.
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Here in the south, hog killin' time is when it's cold. There's never any hog killin' time in the Phillipines. That must be why processed pork is expensive, it has to be exported, processed, then brought back to eat!
Guess who is getting a Duroc boar for Christmas after all?

Mrs Oz and Bernie are on a road trip.


Today I was in a store and the clerk gave me 10 bucks too much change. I quickly corrected him. He was shocked I did. I told him what comes around, goes around.

20 mins later I got the message that Bernie and Mrs Oz were getting the Duroc. Now I just got a message that I have Australorp eggs to pick up.

I guess its coming around.
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I am giving Bernie the Filipino Farm Phenom and Analou, Bernie's wife and farm finance fudiciary tshirts for christmas

All the workers will get one.

Analou will also get a smart phone so she can use whatsapp to text me and forward pics to me. If you go to one corner of the farm, stand with one foot of the ground and your head twisted, you can 2 bars of 3G.

All workers also get a 13th month pay at Christmas by law.

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