Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

I am doing it myself.

I saw it done once, did some reseearch and watched a youtube.

I am almost an expert.

Pig semen can be shipped fresh or frozen

I have contemplated getting a liquid nitrogen set up and doing semen distribution fpr goats pigs and cattle later on
The better half had some friends at school who worked as dairy cattle inseminators one Summer. You really develop a dark sense of humor in that line of work. "Hi honey, just called to ask where you are?" "Oh, I'm shoulder deep in a cow." (I've had this discussion too). Also, I've heard when getting specimens for use in dog insemination, the collection is a rock paper scissors sort of deal among the staff at the vet office.
Oz, are you going to do the insemination yourself, or use the local guy? I'm told it's not that difficult of a process, and if your still considering importing the semen yourself, pig semen apparently is one of the more easier ones to keep viable.

Loads of potential for humor too...
TSA-official: "What's that?" Oz: "You don't wanna know..."

And it's not every day you get to say "I impregnated a pig yesterday" (Except if you do that for a living)

A friend of mine imports sheep semen. She had a shipment that was coming in from England the week after 911. It didn't arrive on time. She searches and finds out it has been held up in customs. She calls to see what the problem is. She reaches a very obtuse official. He wants to know what the shipment is. She tells him ram semen it says so on the manifest. "But what are you going to do with it?"
Seriously? Yes. Impregnate sheep. But what are you going to do with it?
She went in this circular argument for 30 minutes until she had had enough and asked for his boss because if the liquid nitrogen ran out before she got her shipment delivered she was suing for the cost of replacement and delays and booking the vet for the insemination (sheep have to have laproscopic surgery to impregnate with any real success rates). Finally she gets it released.

I wish I could tell the story like she did though. Kim had 30 of us who came together at a fiber festival nearly rolling on the floor about this thick headed official who just couldn't believe that people actually bought and sold semen for agricultural purposes. We could only try to imagine what he thought she was going to do with it.
Well, you know, roe is quite tasty, and I've heard that in Japan the male counterpart is used too. And you eat the egg-cells of poultry on a daily basis. Not a far stretch...

I can just imagine your friends face during that call
Well, you know, roe is quite tasty, and I've heard that in Japan the male counterpart is used too. And you eat the egg-cells of poultry on a daily basis. Not a far stretch...

I can just imagine your friends face during that call :D

I think the inuendos and giggles over semen have spiraled as far south as they need to.

Back to the clinical discussion.

It's 05:30 and clear skies.
Sorry Oz, I'll try to keep it clean. Good luck with your first insemination, let's hope it goes well. Remember to report your experience.

How have things been working out with the old-new Bernie?

Remember, it's considered good manners to buy a girl flowers first. (I promise to stop now.)

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