Girl with a BIG problem


6 Years
Jun 2, 2013
I have a black Plymouth who has always been on the heavy side but now her lower stomach/butt area is huge. I have no idea what is wrong with her. I have been keeping her in my guest bathroom so I can watch her and physically give her water and she will eat yogurt only if I feed it too her. I have tried soaking her in the tub in warm water too. I have lost 4 girls just recently but none of them from something like this. I see no worms at all but her poop is runny and yellow. I have been treating all of them for cocci the last couple days because I thought maybe that was the problem. Yesterday her comb was turning white but today is red again but has black around the edges.

ANYONE that may have an idea please let me know.
A swollen lower body/general abdomen area is most often associated with ascites, fluid build up in the body cavities. It can be caused by several things including internal laying with or without peritonitis, cancers/tumors, disease of the liver/kidneys, heart/circulatory problems. All can cause ascites. As the fluid builds up it makes it hard to breath and makes it hard for the heart to work properly, hence the darkened comb. If she also has yellow poop she may have some infection going on, unless you think it looks like egg yolk in the poop? A swollen liver can also make a hen look/feel swollen.

If she does indeed have ascites there's not much you can do. You can drain them, or have a vet do it, and treat with antibiotic's if infection is suspected. It never hurts to try but even with those measures there is still an underlying cause and most of them are not curable.

her feathers are wet because I had her in the tub again. But it is so swollen even when dry it looks bad. I need help. She is such a sweet girl.
Do you have access to an avian vet? They can determine if it's fluid in there, which it looks like it probably is to me, and drain some of it off. It won't cure the underlying cause but it can buy you some time and make her more comfortable in the short term. Unless you are comfortable attempting to drain her yourself. Some people do, I never have because I have an extreme needle phobia. I also am not fond of sticking needles in when I don't know for sure what's in there. Depending on the cause and whether or not there is infection some birds can carry on with this for quite some time, other's die quickly, it just depends what the cause is.
I don't have a vet here to treat her. That is what sucks.
My husband doesn't have phobia about needles but not knowing where to put the needle is the thing.
I just feel so bad for her.

I have been giving her antibiotics in her water since yesterday but like I had said before I have to give it to her with a syringe. Cuz she isn't drinking on her own that I know of.

I think she has had this for a long time. Because in the mornings when I would open their door she always waited for me to get her off of the roost. And I always just thought she was just a big girl. Never had any idea something was wrong cuz she always acted so healthy.
I don't have a vet here to treat her. That is what sucks.
My husband doesn't have phobia about needles but not knowing where to put the needle is the thing.
I just feel so bad for her.

I have been giving her antibiotics in her water since yesterday but like I had said before I have to give it to her with a syringe. Cuz she isn't drinking on her own that I know of.

I think she has had this for a long time. Because in the mornings when I would open their door she always waited for me to get her off of the roost. And I always just thought she was just a big girl. Never had any idea something was wrong cuz she always acted so healthy.

It often does develop over time. If your husband is ok with needles you might check out the link Eggcessive posted and try and see if you can get any fluid out. What antibiotic are you giving her? I usually use the Baytril 10% and have had good results with that.
I hate to say it but she won't make it through the night. Her breathing in just the last hour has gotten really bad. And it is 9:30 p.m. here so no where to get a syringe and needle to even try. But yes he said he would try and get the fluid out. But I just looked at her and she is getting bigger and bigger and breathing so bad. Breaks my heart.

But thanks at least now I know what is wrong with her and if it ever happens to any of my girls again I will know and be prepared.

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