Give me pictures of your chickens and I'll try to sex them


Looking like a pullet too. Do yo have pictures of the SLW in the back?
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Of the Silver Laced Wyandottes, I see 2 cockerels and 2 pullets from the pictures. Is the red chick a Red Sex-Link? If so, it's a pullet.
Of the Silver Laced Wyandottes, I see 2 cockerels and 2 pullets from the pictures. Is the red chick a Red Sex-Link? If so, it's a pullet.
Ok thanks will the cockerels be able to remain together in the group or will I eventually have to separate them. They are all the same age and are a real friendly easy going group.
Hello! Hopefully you can help me. Did the best I could on photos but they're out playing in the yard and not feeling photogenic. Here is sunny the barred rock,and nugget the easter egger. They are approximately 7 weeks (I think!)




10 week old game chickens. Im pretty sure the one on the right is a roo, but id like to know what you guys think of both and if you know what breed of game chicken they are. I was given 5 game chicks a while back and unsure of what they are.

13 day old lavender ameraucana. Too soon to venture a guess?

How about these guys? 13 day old mixed breeds (someone's project).

And then, easier one (I hope). 13 day old wheaten marans. I have a trio, right(1. pullet, 2. pullet, 3. cockerel)? (

Hello! Hopefully you can help me. Did the best I could on photos but they're out playing in the yard and not feeling photogenic. Here is sunny the barred rock,and nugget the easter egger. They are approximately 7 weeks (I think!)

The Barred Plymouth Rock is definitely a pullet. I have five around that age myself. The Easter Egger - I'm not totally sure. The coloring looks like a girl, but I can't see the comb well. Did you buy them both as straight run?

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