Giving ral antibiotic to gosling


May 3, 2021
Canby Oregon
Hey all,
I've got a 2 week old African x Chinese gosling that had a yolk sac that wasn't completely absorbed when hatched. I took it to our avian vet today and was told there's an infection brewing. So vet said to do 5 days of oral Clavamox .50 cc 2 times a day. I attempted to give the 1st dose tonight. I got maybe 1/4 of it into the side of its mouth before it regurgitated like a volcano at least a teaspoon of the medicine and feed. Then it wouldn't breathe. It checked out for a few seconds - eyes open, not breathing -I blew in it's face (not sure what else to do), it started breathing- never coughed. Never acted like it was choking. I set it down, it had a drink of water, and started eating its feed.
This whole thing scared me.
I've orally dosed everything from horses, to goats, cats, dogs, kids, and chickens. Today did not go well.
Anyone have any tips? What the heck just happened? Should I ask vet for injectable antibiotics or antibiotics for water instead? I do not want to risk my goslings life trying to dose it one way if there's another, safer, alternative.

Pic of gosling below. :)
I have never used clavamox and I’ve given oral antibiotics with a syringe more times than I would have liked and the only times I’ve had a goose immediacy regurgitate medicine was with denegard (tiamulin) because that stuff burns like like alchohol on a wound.

I can only guess that clavamox either causes some sort of discomfort, nausea, or they aspirated some of it, or there’s another underlying issue that stress exasperated.
I wish I could be more help and I hope your little gosling feels better soon.
I'm wondering what a brewing infection looks like or how you would know it is there?
Good question can we see some pictures of the umbilicus or where it was?
I wrap what ever bird I am treating in a towel and go by this to give oral antibiotics. Getting someone to hold the gosling so you have both hands free would be a good idea too.
As for what happened I have no idea unless just the stress of being handled and having something forced into its bill caused it. Hopefully it's still doing well this morning.
I don't have pics of his navel, but the backstory- a goose stepped on his egg while hatching, and the egg was bleeding. I found it, took it inside, and put it in my incubator. 24 hours later he was cemented to the egg/membrane.... I felt like I had nothing to lose if i tried, so using warm water, I gently removed the dried on membrane and shell over the next 12 hours. I didn't think he'd make it. He had a scab where the umbilicus would be, and there was a lump for 2-3 days after hatching. He's smaller than others his age, his down feathers are patchy..... so I wanted him checked out by avian vet. She looked at him yesterday. He still had a little scab where his umbilicus was, but the vet cleaned it up. The area looks completely normal now. He's about the same hight as other goslings his age, just definitely not as heavy/plump. Vet said in severe cases they do surgery to remove the incompletely absorbed yolk sac, but his seemed like antibiotics would be sufficient to resolve. I've only ever had a chick (chicken) with this happen (yolk sac not absorbed properly) and I didn't do anything other than keep it clean, and she lived - just stunted.

image below at a week old. Gosling in question is in back. Gosling in front is 3 days younger.

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