|~Best Poultry Pictures Contest- Ends July 5, 2022 -PRIZES~|


Chicken Quest

On The Run 🐔 🚓
Jun 17, 2022
Far Away From You
Hello, Me and Duckpip have been discussing about make a poultry show. And here we are!

There will be four separate leaderboards including: chickens, ducks, turkey, and geese. Each leaderboard will have four prizes

Duck Leaderboard
  1. Drawing of PFP
  2. Drawing of Entry with background
  3. Drawing of Entry with background
  4. Drawing of Entry without background
Chicken Leaderboard
  1. Drawing of PFP
  2. Drawing of Entry with background
  3. Drawing of Entry with background
  4. Drawing of Entry without background
Turkey Leaderboard
  1. Drawing of PFP
  2. Drawing of Entry with background
  3. Drawing of Entry with background
  4. Drawing of Entry without background
Goose Leaderboard
  1. Drawing of PFP
  2. Drawing of Entry with background
  3. Drawing of Entry with background
  4. Drawing of Entry without background

  1. No chicks, goslings, ducklings, or poults. Broodies and chicks/goslings/ducklings/poults are exceptionals.
  2. If you are not posting an entry please put "Not an Entry" in Bold
  3. No pics of any injured birds please!
  4. And especially no poop in the photo! 🤢
  5. Maximum amount of entries per leaderboard: 15!
That's it me and Duckpip will be sending the winnings to the winners in two weeks!
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My first entry! A live chicken. :p This is Ivy, the hen in my profile pic. She's a year old, and I hatched her out myself, under a broody hen. She's half Ameraucana, half Wyandotte, and all sweetness. She loves to cuddle with me, and is very friendly.

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