
  1. N

    Help and advice needed!

    I have recently purchased two goslings (hatched a week ago). As I was leaving for work this morning I checked on them to find that the bulb on my heat lamp had blown in the middle of the night and the smaller gosling of the two had gotten in the waterer and was soaking wet and laying on its back...
  2. F

    Introducing 5 week old goslings to 4-5 week old ducklings

    Recently I’ve moved all 5 of my ducklings (ages ranging 4 weeks to 5 weeks) and I’ve had 2 goslings who are both 5 weeks old that I’ve wanted to introduce to the ducks When they were a few weeks younger they would constantly try to hang out with the ducks on their own but I wasn’t able to...
  3. RossBantams

    I want to dig deeper...

    So, when it rains while I'm at work, I'm stuck at my desk until it stops. So right now, I am bored out of my mind :barnie When I'm on BYC, I tend to just click the "What's new" tab and just scroll through it until I reach the end. I then go to the forums tab and try to find something...
  4. S

    Will geese be safe in thunderstorm?

    We're having severe weather currently and my 3 geese are outside, happy as can be (they're in the pool). I can't get outside right now (safely) but they have trees and their pen for cover. I'm worried for them, will they be safe?
  5. TurGoosen

    Is this potential angel wing?

    So I recently switched my goslings over to waterfowl feed instead of all flock raiser. But looking at my gosling wings I’m a little worried about angel wing with the change in protein content. I cannot tell if it is just the way his feathers are laying or if he is starting to develop angel wing.
  6. KathiQuacks

    Ducks at the Local Lake

    I visited one of the local lakes today and fed the ducks a mix of Purina feed, Mazuri feed, and mealworms. A lot got picked up by grackles & pigeons, and unfortunately some ducks didn’t even recognize it as food (so used to eating bread).. but those who did eat it were clearly very grateful ❤️...
  7. C

    New to geese: questions and concerns!

    Hi everyone! I just acquired two Sebastopol goslings and I have a few questions. I’m pretty sure they’re mixed. They’re not breed standard, but they’re just pets so that really isn’t an issue. Number one issue is one seems to have an issue with her crop. She is holding her head up like she’s...
  8. KathiQuacks

    Goslings Won’t Stop Crying + Other Questions

    Hello! My 2 goslings are 8 days old now, and I have some questions.. On the first day of having them, they would not stop crying for me!!! I’ve distanced myself, and they’ve gotten better.. but if they so much as catch a glimpse of me, or hear me, they’ll start screaming again. They have...
  9. Goose in the snake room

    HELP! Single dosage of water soluble Tylosin (tylan) powder

    Currently treating my geese for a respiratory infection and purchased water soluble Tylosin. I’m wanting to give it in single dosages orally to make sure the medication is being taken adequately. The package says add 5g per gallon of drinking water, but nothing about single dosages. What...
  10. Goose in the snake room

    HELP! Goose with possible respiratory infection with strange symptoms

    One of my geese recently became pretty ill over the past few days. A month ago both of my geese had a respiratory infection and was treated with Baytril. The symptoms mostly cleared up and after the 5 days I stopped medicating them. 2 days ago I noticed my 2 month old goose (Gilly) was breathing...
  11. KathiQuacks

    My Goslings Have Arrived - A Metzer Farms Review

    Back in May, I ordered 2 female goslings - 1 Buff, 1 African. On June 18th, at around 10:30 AM, the shipping label was created in TN (their secondary hatchery). It was quite a stressful time after that, as the USPS tracker did not update whatsoever until today (June 20th) when they arrived...
  12. Goose in the snake room

    Giving enrofloxacin (Baytril) a second time?

    I treated my geese a while ago for a respiratory infection with enrofloxacin, symptoms got a lot better but never fully cleared after the 5 days. They are still having mild symptoms and I’m unsure if I should give them the same antibiotic again now that some time has passed and it hasn’t cleared...
  13. G

    Gosling with hyperextended hock- bending wrong way.

    Hey guys- I have about a 4-5wk old gosling that had what we thought was a niacin deficiency. We have her in a b complex as well as vitamin r and selenium. We now know there’s more to it. She started with her leg laying behind her constant my and bearing no weight but now after 2 weeks of. O...
  14. TurGoosen

    HELP!? Gosling with a swollen stomach

    I have a pair of goslings around a week and a half old. One is very large, constantly running around and eating. The other about half its size and seems sluggish and unsteady on its feet in comparison with what seems to me to be a visibly swollen stomach which is hard to the touch. Both are...
  15. KathiQuacks

    Welp, It’s Official - I’m Getting Goslings!

    Yesterday, I placed an order for 2 goslings from Metzer Farms! I decided on getting 2 females; 1 Buff, 1 African. I might even look for an adult gander in the future, assuming these 2 are good. They’re set to ship out June 17th. This is my first time ordering from Metzer, so I’m quite nervous...
  16. R

    What is this????? Goose poop not normal!!!

    My gosling pooped this and it was hard and rubbery and weird she’s completely normal is this some kind of compact food? It was like layered and look like food inside never seen this before and I’m just curious. No blood just this and watery poop
  17. C

    Advise on my Embden goose breathing heavy…

    Hi, first time posting. I have 2 twelve year old geese, Carmen(beige)and Maria(gray) Carmen has been showing signs of labored breathing only while lying down. She is heavier than Maria who is a Toulouse and also blind. We live in Florida so I think the heat gets to her like the rest of us. They...
  18. BirdWrangler

    Week old goslings together with three week old goslings?

    Hey y’all, I have 4 three week old goslings, and was wondering if you can keep week olds with them or if they might get injured. Any feedback is appreciated!
  19. T

    Advice on breeds of various poultry

    This seemed like the best place for this, but if there is a better one, Mods feel free to move it :) I am looking to create a mixed poultry flock (for eggs, meat, and fat) for a (future) homestead, and I wanted to get first-hand experience and/or research tips from y'all on species and breeds...
  20. A

    Sebastopol Goslings need homes.

    Hi. I have four 4 week old male Sebastopol goslings that need homes. I'm in Hollister California (Central Coast). They are extras from a setting of nine eggs I had shipped from across the country. ALL NINE HATCHED. So we are keeping five and have the extras available for re-homing. They are DNA...
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