Giving up a child?

Oh man I am sorry you are going through this. I have tried reading this whole thread. As a "disabled" person myself I feel I might have some interesting commentary to add. When I was younger no one ever thought that my life would amount to much of anything. They thought that I was cognitively impaired and that I was going to be in a wheel chair for the rest of my life. They were wrong. Currently, I can walk, talk, drive a car, I am applying to colleges , in other words I can function at the level of a normal adult. You never would have guessed that if you met me when I was younger. Speaking for myself as well as working with a varieties of disabled adults and children , most of the time we can understand a lot more than you think we can. We just have difficulty communicating that with you. It is like being locked somewhere and not being able to get out. It causes both sides immense frustration and sometimes, especially among younger people, it causes us to lash out.
It took me longer to learn how to control my disability enough that I could start functioning normally. It was a slow, painstaking process, but once I caught on I made rapid improvements. I have seen other people do the same thing. Sometimes we surprise you. I am so sorry sometimes life gives us all more than we can handle. I am glad you are considering all your options.

Another common misconception among people is that you have to feel sorry for someone with a disability. The fact is that most people I have met don't want anyone to feel sorry for them. They are just trying to live there lives like everyone else. Treat them exactly like you would want to be treated.
I hope this provides some helpful insight for everyone on or looking on this thread.

I hope things get better for you in the future. I commend you for doing such a great job with everything on your plate.

Thank you for your lovely mail - I am so glad that you diagnosis was wrong and that you are living a really good and happy life.
Sadly for Danny it is very different. Danny is very brain damaged indeed and will never be able to do any of the things that you are able to do. I certainly do think that he gets frustrated. He doesnt; easily communicate and I am more than sure that is why his dad and I are the brunt of his outbursts ( Not so different from a "normal" young person! ) Danny functions at a very young age but he does make his likes and dislikes known!
You are right when you say folk who are disabled - and those who care for them do not want or need folk to "feel sorry for them" - often they just need encouragement like any other person trying to get through lifes ups and downs. Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes too whether disabled or not.
At the moment we ar trying to secure full time residential care for our boy. He will enjoy that with other young folk like himself. He enjoys daycare and restbite care very much indeed. It is good for him to have fresh faces and new friends. We are more than happy with that as DH and I are not young anymore and we have to think on the longterm for our boy. He is not a child anymore he is a Man of 26yrs now though in many ways he will always remain a child. Some say they grow old but never grow up! I guess they are really like Peter pan in many ways!
He will always be a baby and yet he will always now be an adult! So far we have not heard anything more from our social worker and so we are no nearer at the moment.

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Update -
After all the talk and thought and heartache
Just got the social worker on the phone. She told us the delightful news that there is NO availability for perminent care for Danny for a minumum of 10yrs! That means DH will be 65yrs old I will be nearly 60yrs old and Danny will be nearly 40! He is 27 this year! I am soooo mad - do you think that dam Cameron (Our priminister) would take him in if I left Danny on his doorstep with a note round his neck "This way up!" No returns thank you!

MAD dog - Oes
It is a prison sentence! Sick to my stomach and burst into tears - I cannot do another 10yrs. Sometimes I really do empathize with folk who just put their kid in the car and drive over a cliff top. But then that is what Cameron ( our priminister) really wants all of us to do with our disabled kids. - I have never hated anyone so much in all my life as I do our priminister. He is a liar and a cheat and I can;t wait until he is voted out. Care in the community is indeed a DIY (do it yourself) job!
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I had a disable chile and one normal child I wouldn't give him up for anything actually I'll give anything to have him back he passed away when he was 2 n that was 2 years ago
The latest news is that a placement has been offered for full time residential for our boy. We went to see it and have said YES !
Will update but right now I am a very happy mummy! It has been a rollercoaster of torture.

Thanks for that. I had a few folk who were very unpleseant and quite nasty about the prospect of us putting our son into full time residential. ( Some said we were dumping him on an already over stretched social care system? Others said we were selfish and should never have brought disabled kids into the world in the first place. But it was not a decision, we didn't order broken ones!) I must say the folk who were vermantly against it were the ones who did not offer to help us care for him! We had one lady recently who asked us over for a coffee then she asked hubby if he was comming and she hoped we were not bringing our boy! We didn;t go. - We have had a lot of that kind of attitude.
We spoke to the our other kids and they seem really ok about it. Our eldest lad is very supportive and says it is a very good thing and that if it was a hospital type set up he would never have allowed it. As it is a nice house in the community he is very much for it to happen. Our daughter just said TAKE IT! It will certainly give us more chance to spend time with our other kids and be a proper family unit. Our eldest son is already planning weekends for him and our DIL and us to go places together. Though his ideas mainly involve food! lol Our daughter and SIL just want a baby minding service I think as they have hinted on the possibility granny and grandad might have more time to take our wee grand baby to places like the Zoo and butterfly house and beach etc. I hope it happens SOON!!!!!!!!!

I don't know your exact situation, but having worked in medical settings involving all kinds of different people from disabled to older than the hills with Alzheimer's, I can understand how overwhelming it is. I hope that you don't lose sleep over negative comments that others might say to you. It's SO easy to dish it out, but nobody will ever understand it until they've been in the same shoes. I am glad to hear that you have your family's support as well. And now you will be able to be the grandmother that you can be! How exciting is that?!

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