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I wasn't just directing my comments solely at you but rather speaking in general
and I don't care to go back and forth any further least it gets too argumentative.
People can decide for themselves by simply doing some online research.
Please site which information is false?

Studies have proven there are issues with GMO products causing infertilty in mice.
Anytime you step outside of what is natural (too many cases to mention)
and alter it there can be unwelcome repercussions which are not alway evident at first.
Monsanto doesn't harass farmers?!!
I guess you've missed more than a few very important documented cases.
Maybe the doubters should watch the documentary "The The Future of Food"
Monsanto is an evil empire that wants to control to worlds food IMO.
Control the food, control the people. How's that hysterial?
The future will determine who was right or wrong
I'm concerned what those revelations might bring.

Edited for typos

As I've said a million times on here just because it's in a movie doesn't make it true. The people who make those movies have their own agendas and they count on people's fear of the unknown to advance their agenda.

Monsanto does not harrass all farmers.....only those who break their contract with them. No different than any other breach of contract situation.

I've watched most all those so-called "documentaries". From a farmer's standpoint I would hardly call them truthful or factual. As I said before they feed uninformed people's fears and they know how removed most of the population is from their food sources.

As far as GMOs causing fertility issues.....I didn't find too convincing of studies when I searched. There are a lot of factors that may or may not affect fertility. Next year there will be another study that shows something different. Wasn't very long ago that eggs were not good for us and we were warned to not eat too they're touted as great food for us.
As a farmer I was watching this thread. The above post is so full of misinformation tho I had to comment.

Farmers are not bullied by Monsanto.

Monsanto is not the only place we farmers can get soybean seed.

I'm not sure what you mean by "wasted seeds"

We use round up to control the weeds in the fields.....before that we used cultivation.....haven't ever in my life seen any field hands weeding in the field. We farmers use less chemicals and fertilizers per square foot of ground than what city people apply annually to their yards.

The wasted meaning seeds that generated from the previous crop. Farmers were not allowed to use them or sell them. They are considered property of Monsanto. Yes, wasted seeds was the wrong term to use.

Here are a few items that will explain differently. The show was very informative and I hope it is shown on tv again. You have to wonder about these giant companies that minipulate and use chemicals on seeds that eventually enter our systems. It's not just chickens, geese, etc. We are injesting these chemicals. This is not always good for people, the company yes, people no.

It's called saving seed back. Yes, that is true we are not allowed to save seed back and replant it.

I've seen those shows. They are hardly factual or truthful. They use people's ignorance of agriculture to promote their own cause.
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If it's on the internet it's got to be truthful......Hardly the case at all. There are studies to support every side of every issue out there.
If it's on the internet it's got to be truthful......Hardly the case at all. There are studies to support every side of every issue out there.

Okay I can't resist...nobody said or believes Monsanto harrasses all farmers and nobody with an ounce of common sense
believes everything they read on the internet to be true but where do you gather your information from and how do we know your information is factual?
What empirical evidence do you have to back up what you say and how do you know your studies and data aren't flawed?
It works both ways.
People have to decide for themselves.
If it's on the internet it's got to be truthful......Hardly the case at all. There are studies to support every side of every issue out there.

Okay I can't resist...nobody said or believes Monsanto harrasses all farmers and nobody with an ounce of common sense
believes everything they read on the internet to be true but where do you gather your information from and how do we know your information is factual?
What empirical evidence do you have to back up what you say and how do you know your studies and data aren't flawed?
It works both ways.
People have to decide for themselves.

As a farmer I'm very comfortable with the crops we grow and we will continue to farm as we have been for many years. At least I have some direct first hand knowledge of the situation rather than just internet "studies" and "documentaries" that give a slanted viewpoint.

When you've spent as many years farming and have some first hand experiences to draw on come on back and we can talk.

Non-agriculture people who think they know how agriculture works are a dime a dozen and their opinion doesn't make much on an impact with me or any other farmer that I know.

I'm sure if I wanted to take the time to do the looking (which I don't have the time or the inclination to do) I'm quite certain for every "study" you link to I could find one that says the exact opposite.
If it's on the internet it's got to be truthful......Hardly the case at all. There are studies to support every side of every issue out there.

Okay I can't resist...nobody said or believes Monsanto harrasses all farmers and nobody with an ounce of common sense
believes everything they read on the internet to be true but where do you gather your information from and how do we know your information is factual?
What empirical evidence do you have to back up what you say and how do you know your studies and data aren't flawed?
It works both ways.
People have to decide for themselves.

I totally agree with you Cottage Rose. Nothing wrong with questioning things that you are uncomfortable with. I do believe all the chemicals in animal foods and peoples food are becoming a problem and if we can reduce that we would be better off. I'm not a big fan of having roundup in the genes of the food I eat. No, I don't use it at my house. I don't use any chemicals at my house and my soaps are biodegradible. I'm not organic either. We do the best we can with what we have to work with. I believe companies have to do better health wise not profit wise.
Okay I can't resist...nobody said or believes Monsanto harrasses all farmers and nobody with an ounce of common sense
believes everything they read on the internet to be true but where do you gather your information from and how do we know your information is factual?
What empirical evidence do you have to back up what you say and how do you know your studies and data aren't flawed?
It works both ways.
People have to decide for themselves.

I totally agree with you Cottage Rose. Nothing wrong with questioning things that you are uncomfortable with. I do believe all the chemicals in animal foods and peoples food are becoming a problem and if we can reduce that we would be better off. I'm not a big fan of having roundup in the genes of the food I eat. No, I don't use it at my house. I don't use any chemicals at my house and my soaps are biodegradible. I'm not organic either. We do the best we can with what we have to work with. I believe companies have to do better health wise not profit wise.

Amen, it seems like the Big dollar means more than anything, so as consumers we have to be our own advocates, feed healthy and eat as healthy as we can. We can't take anything at face value anymore not in this world anyway, we have to ask questions and make informed decisions.
I have been following this thread and have a few small things to add... I have watched the aforementioned food documentary, I do agree that anybody who sets out to make a documentary has an agenda or a point to prove, like supersize me does, and like the incomvenient truth did... The truth still persist, thought, that the food industry is becoming horrific and more mismanaged every year. The job of the consumer and documentary watcher is not to believe blindly, but to further investigate something if it alarms or peaks your interest. That goes for watching the news too, or following polotics. Most people don't extend the effort to do these things because they are lazy and its easier to sit on a couch and accept what you get rather than take a stance that may require action.

About Monsanto, I personally believe they should never have been allowed to patent a food crop...thats our government at work and the fda's stupidity that we can blame. Now monsanto has control over 80+% of soy and I don't know how much of corn. I hate the idea of monopolies touting these huge market shares, run by people who are not really concerned with much else than their profits and stock success. Its capitalism on the ugly side. I personally would like to know what foods have GMO anything involved because I don't agree with patented seeds. However I like the idea that science has made way for farmers to use their land and turn out a crop more efficiently but the patent thing... can't get over it, and the residual problems/side affects should be thoroughly investigated by somebody other than a bias-funded lab, but that won't happen.

Feed wise...I personally am working my hardest to feed my birds every peice of leftover kitchen & garden scrap, feed them my own heirloom corn and broom corn seeds that I grind with my old grain grinder, and buy as little feed as possible. With my small suburban home though, I'll never be able to get away from supplamental feed, but I can try my hardest to do that anyway.
I suggest if you can grow food to feed your it. If you are concerned about offering them the best...the only way to ensure it is if you grow it yourself from seed that you aquire from a reputable source. The old adage proves true, if you want something done right, do it yourself.

Regardless of what side you take on the GMO debate, I like that everyone is becoming more informed/concerned about what is in their food, where it comes from, who is growing it and what has been done to it. Way to take responsability for what you and your animals eat!
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