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But that [Bt] is an insecticide not a fertilizer. the active ingredient from the bacillus was used for years as a "Safe" insecticide for the larva of plant eating insects. For that matter there are many toxins produced by plants to defend themselves from things that will try to eat them.~gd
Study shows GMO corn linked to organ failure in mammals.

Errrr, no. The study - which has some fairly significant stats issues - shows three different kinds of GMO corn linked to changes in organ function. Organ failure was not noted. Nor did the researchers call this proof of toxicity.

I note that a similar study with Bt-applied organic corn has not been done.​
Err, I was simply quoting the articles title.
Any given studies validity seems to be subjective to whoever is reading it.
As for me I still think GMO are B A D and time will prove who is right or wrong.

"In a study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences, analyzing the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health,
researchers found that agricultural giant Monsanto's GM corn is linked to organ damage in rats"
Exactly, which means that anyone who feeds their birds non-organic feed has probably fed them GMO product. It hasn't affected my birds at all, I don't see why it should now.

And for the record, we grow GMO crops on our farm and all my birds are regularily exposed to it. Hasn't done them any harm.
You can show me all the fancy links you want, wrote by high-tech science geeks who know everything. How many of you are actually farmers who know anything about the product besides what you read in articles?

I've been exposed to chemicals like Round-Up since I was young, hasn't done me any harm yet. Hasn't done my dad any harm yet either. The stuff really isn't as bad as people make it out to be.
My dad was fine for many years as well after being exposed to asbestos at his work place but it eventually it made him a very ill man and killed him.
DDT and many other harmful chemicals were at one time were considered safe only later to be found harmful.
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