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I am still feeding Flock Raiser kg, I bought some organic feed for my birds but they don't eat it so well. so now I am back to Purina. I'd say it probably does have GMO in it, most everything does unless other wise stated. I think unless they start to put on the packages that it is GMO free unless organic it will have GMOs.
This Organi feed that I bought was not cheap and had alot of dust in it, which turned me off to it, but my birds haven't been real happy with it either, so I mixed the FR with it and they seem to be eating it better.
And you can tell the difference HOW?

No BooBoo GMO has been changed by man by definition. The exact same thing might be found in a mutation that would be natural. I know of at least one medicine that is based on such a mutation that probably would not be allowed if it were manmade.

Well you mentioned salt, maybe man has messed with it and has his own version but I tend to think not. I really don't think there is an argument here it's basically our own decision if we want to eat, use anything that has GMO's in it so lets just respect each others decision on this but help others be able to make their own decision by giving them both sides so they can decide for themselves and their livestock.

The only proplem I have with that is that I feel I have to stick to science and facts.
Hey Goosedragon, Maybe you should check this out. Let's let nature take it's own course on things.

Well you mentioned salt, maybe man has messed with it and has his own version but I tend to think not. I really don't think there is an argument here it's basically our own decision if we want to eat, use anything that has GMO's in it so lets just respect each others decision on this but help others be able to make their own decision by giving them both sides so they can decide for themselves and their livestock.

The only proplem I have with that is that I feel I have to stick to science and facts.
The only proplem I have with that is that I feel I have to stick to science and facts.

wrong link I am thinking dlee.
I think we really don't know what long term affects GMOs have on feed and food, and if thats all we can get then thats all we can get. I am feeding Purina also, would love to be able to grow or buy GMO free feed and when I did my birds weren't overly fond of it so now we're back to Purina. The best thing to do is what you feel you can buy and do for your own situation. Science is not the gospel and facts can be misconstrud[sp] also so I think we have to seach for ourselves both sides and try to make the best decision we can. I have been keeping ducks for going on 9 years now and have fed nothing but Purina Flock Raiser and they are very healthy, have had chickens for going on 3 years, have lost some to illness that wasn't contagious but don't know if it had anything to do with feed. Thety lay and also hatch chicks, so looks like all is normal on the outside. and hopefully on the inside as well.
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try this one.

I think we really don't know what long term affects GMOs have on feed and food, and if thats all we can get then thats all we can get. I am feeding Purina also, would love to be able to grow or buy GMO free feed and when I did my birds weren't overly fond of it so now we're back to Purina. The best thing to do is what you feel you can buy and do for your own situation. Science is not the gospel and facts can be misconstrud[sp] also so I think we have to seach for ourselves both sides and try to make the best decision we can. I have been keeping ducks for going on 9 years now and have fed nothing but Purina Flock Raiser and they are very healthy, have had chickens for going on 3 years, have lost some to illness that wasn't contagious but don't know if it had anything to do with feed. Thety lay and also hatch chicks, so looks like all is normal on the outside. and hopefully on the inside as well.
I think we really don't know what long term affects GMOs have on feed and food, and if thats all we can get then thats all we can get. I am feeding Purina also, would love to be able to grow or buy GMO free feed and when I did my birds weren't overly fond of it so now we're back to Purina. The best thing to do is what you feel you can buy and do for your own situation. Science is not the gospel and facts can be misconstrud[sp] also so I think we have to seach for ourselves both sides and try to make the best decision we can. I have been keeping ducks for going on 9 years now and have fed nothing but Purina Flock Raiser and they are very healthy, have had chickens for going on 3 years, have lost some to illness that wasn't contagious but don't know if it had anything to do with feed. Thety lay and also hatch chicks, so looks like all is normal on the outside. and hopefully on the inside as well.

Ok thank you now I don't feel like a horrible ducks dad!
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