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Call to action.
Let the FDA know you have the right to know what foods contain GMO.
It only takes a minute to fill out the form.

Thanks just signed it, I just finished reading an article about GMO sheep now, I think it's time these people stop trying to play God, He did an awesome job first time around, they are just messing up a great thing. Lets hope someone will listen to" We the People" boy this gets to me.
What concerns me is the children being raised on GMO products and how this will effect them.
Think of all the corn and soy foods people eat!
Other predominantly GMO products are:
Sugar (made with sugar beets)
Canola Oil
Cottonseed (used to vegetable oils and many processed foods)
Hawaiian Papaya
Crookneck Squash
Some Zuchinni
We do have problems with any modified products. If you look at what processing has done to milk products, and to our grains and then check out studies comparing allergies to processed foods you can really see the effect. More and more of our children have serious allergies to many foods, not just one or two. Over 45% of our population in the US have serious food allergies. I was raised on a small Iowa farm and we raised almost everything we ate except for sugar and flour type products. We didn't use hormones or any medications in any of the food we ate. None of us had any allergies growing up. Now that I am eating processed and modified foods I have food allergies all over the place. I have always been very sensitive to any type of pollution in the air. I was tested at Iowa City for allergies at 16 years of age using injections under my skin on my back. The results showed an allergy to dust. Now the doctors tell me I am allergic to milk, and gluten. I was raised on raw milk without any problems at all and now I can't touch dairy foods and my doctor told me she has a good friend that is researching the high incident of gluten allergies because wheat is the food of life and he believes that the modifications and processing is what is behind the problems. It is hard to compare this to other countries and what their populations are allergic to because many people in other countries don't get these tests especially if they are living off of unprocessed foods.

I don't know about anyone else but I try to avoid all modified foods.
We do have problems with any modified products. If you look at what processing has done to milk products, and to our grains and then check out studies comparing allergies to processed foods you can really see the effect. More and more of our children have serious allergies to many foods, not just one or two. Over 45% of our population in the US have serious food allergies. I was raised on a small Iowa farm and we raised almost everything we ate except for sugar and flour type products. We didn't use hormones or any medications in any of the food we ate. None of us had any allergies growing up. Now that I am eating processed and modified foods I have food allergies all over the place. I have always been very sensitive to any type of pollution in the air. I was tested at Iowa City for allergies at 16 years of age using injections under my skin on my back. The results showed an allergy to dust. Now the doctors tell me I am allergic to milk, and gluten. I was raised on raw milk without any problems at all and now I can't touch dairy foods and my doctor told me she has a good friend that is researching the high incident of gluten allergies because wheat is the food of life and he believes that the modifications and processing is what is behind the problems. It is hard to compare this to other countries and what their populations are allergic to because many people in other countries don't get these tests especially if they are living off of unprocessed foods.

I don't know about anyone else but I try to avoid all modified foods.

I do too, it takes me forever to shop for food, I have a list of non GMO products so now it's getting easier, I just skip down the isile till I come to something looks familar alot of products will say non GMO which I like. My children never had allergies they were born in the 60's I never had them growing up either, it's the generations coming up since that are having all the health issues, Cancer being one of them and look how much money is being made from just this one disease, then factor in all the other diseases and most from the foods we are eating. Alot of people getting rich off of it too, so it's a circle everyone feeding off the other and the population as a whole being used as guinea pigs, I don't see an end but hopefully more and more will become educated about the dangers of GMOs no matter what form they come in.
I do too, it takes me forever to shop for food, I have a list of non GMO products so now it's getting easier, I just skip down the isile till I come to something looks familar alot of products will say non GMO which I like. My children never had allergies they were born in the 60's I never had them growing up either, it's the generations coming up since that are having all the health issues, Cancer being one of them and look how much money is being made from just this one disease, then factor in all the other diseases and most from the foods we are eating. Alot of people getting rich off of it too, so it's a circle everyone feeding off the other and the population as a whole being used as guinea pigs, I don't see an end but hopefully more and more will become educated about the dangers of GMOs no matter what form they come in.

Just think of how else you could spend your time, instead of overly stressing over stuff at the grocery store! Messing with critters, going out to meet people, planting more flowers. And to think that people live so much longer now, which is what leads to most cancers, except in high-carcinogen things like tobacco.

To me, it makes absolutely no sense to try to claim some vast conspriacy trying to harm people by growing GMOs. That doesn't make any sense, esp as its only a few marginal studies that come up with ANY negative impacts from GMOs. To claim "POPULATION CONTROL CONSPIRACY" from one, undocumented Russia study, that's a leap.

And as for the idea that people "never had allergies back in the old days" - well, GMOs didn't end up in the food supply until the mid=90's - to claim that the allergies that I grew up with in the 70's were the result of GMOs is just silly. Plus, I really doubt that GMOs are the ONLY things that changed between the 60's and now.

Hopefully more and more people will become educated and see that the GMO scares are only that - scare tactics, by people who enjoy upsetting folks - and we can go on improving our lives and lessening our impact on the planet by growing more food on less acres.
Just idling speculating: If GMO does reduce human fertility (which I don't really believe), is that such a bad thing?

Since I have to shop gluten free, I know that reading labels makes it possible. If people want to eat GMO free, then there is always the process of reading labels and doing a bit f research. Types of food that have not been GMOed can be substituted for those that have. Nobody must eat soybeans or papaya. Eat something else if you are worried about it.

Even better, grow your own. That way you are absolutely certain about what you are eating.
Miss Lydia, that was a very interesting article. It is very hard to avoid buying non GMO products in my area of the country. Unfortunately the southern area of the US is a poor area and expensive foods and brands that are non GMO are not plentiful. I have to drive 40 miles to get to the nearest Health Food Store that even carries any of the brands listed as non GMO. As for it all being a scare tactic believe what you like, but when I was in college my biology prof. told us that is was our responsibly to understand genetics well enough to vote responsibly. He was one of the pioneers of genetic studies and he really pushed genetic knowledge. Most students avoided him like the plague because he had the rep of being tough and flunking students out that couldn't grasp the level of knowledge he believed was necessary. One of my friends that was a 4.0 student had to get help from those of us that understood what he was teaching to barely pass his class.

Now that being said most people are capable of twisting things to accomplish what they want to do. This is why they teach us to understand propaganda in school. Research studies also have to be valid and they have to test a large enough group to be valid. If you don't have the knowledge to dig into the actual studies to see if they are valid then you could fall victim to propaganda. You may be a victim of part of the truth but not all of the truth.

Like anything else genetic engineering can be used for good and it can be twisted like anything else and have bad effects. Genetic studies in the area of food was suppose to help us with food supply problems in a growing population and a shrinking of arable land. We need more control over it to insure that it doesn't have detrimental effects.

Personally I raise as much of my own food as possible. This includes fruits, veggies, eggs, poultry, pork and beef, as well as my milk, butter and cheese. I make my own ice cream so I even control how much and what kind of sugar I use in that. This isn't so my life span is increased but so that I am as healthy as I can be while I am alive. My freezer is always full and my cabinets always have home canned food available to eat. I also cook from scratch. I have my own collection of very old collectible cook books that I use. I am not saying that anyone else has to live this way as this is America. I enjoy what I do and what I eat and that is what is important.
Miss Lydia, that was a very interesting article. It is very hard to avoid buying non GMO products in my area of the country. Unfortunately the southern area of the US is a poor area and expensive foods and brands that are non GMO are not plentiful. I have to drive 40 miles to get to the nearest Health Food Store that even carries any of the brands listed as non GMO. As for it all being a scare tactic believe what you like, but when I was in college my biology prof. told us that is was our responsibly to understand genetics well enough to vote responsibly. He was one of the pioneers of genetic studies and he really pushed genetic knowledge. Most students avoided him like the plague because he had the rep of being tough and flunking students out that couldn't grasp the level of knowledge he believed was necessary. One of my friends that was a 4.0 student had to get help from those of us that understood what he was teaching to barely pass his class.

Now that being said most people are capable of twisting things to accomplish what they want to do. This is why they teach us to understand propaganda in school. Research studies also have to be valid and they have to test a large enough group to be valid. If you don't have the knowledge to dig into the actual studies to see if they are valid then you could fall victim to propaganda. You may be a victim of part of the truth but not all of the truth.

Like anything else genetic engineering can be used for good and it can be twisted like anything else and have bad effects. Genetic studies in the area of food was suppose to help us with food supply problems in a growing population and a shrinking of arable land. We need more control over it to insure that it doesn't have detrimental effects.

Personally I raise as much of my own food as possible. This includes fruits, veggies, eggs, poultry, pork and beef, as well as my milk, butter and cheese. I make my own ice cream so I even control how much and what kind of sugar I use in that. This isn't so my life span is increased but so that I am as healthy as I can be while I am alive. My freezer is always full and my cabinets always have home canned food available to eat. I also cook from scratch. I have my own collection of very old collectible cook books that I use. I am not saying that anyone else has to live this way as this is America. I enjoy what I do and what I eat and that is what is important.

Isn't it wonderful that we still live in a free country!!
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