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I think GMO makes most of my hatches turn out to be roo's, my last 3 hatches have been 90 percent roos and i am talking about 250 hatching at each time.
By the way hossfeathers, people did have allergies when I was growing up. Allergies that were diagnosed when they were children just as my allergy to dust was. Only a very few had allergies. Now if you were in a school and were privy to the children's health records you would see that about 90% of these kids have allergies to many things. I know because I am an education specialist that works with most of the children in our elementary school and I have to know about the allergies. Each teacher has a card on each student that lists information of that nature so we know what to do in case of an allergic reaction. By the way I do have an education in case you believed other wise.
Oregon Blues said:
Sales reps aren't really much qualified to do much of anything except for taking orders and delivering and stacking feed.

If you want information about nutrition and reproduction, get it from a more reliable source, not from someone whose job requirements are a commercial drivers license, a strong back, and a minor ability to write a few words.

In fact, I suggest that you don't take your nutritional and reproductive information from a public forum like this one. There is no way to determine who is qualified to provide that sort of information and who is not. Look at what you are told here and then verify it independently from a qualified source before you believe it.

That is the beauty of doing your own research. There is a wealth of information on this subject, one has only to read it and make up your own mind. After reading pros and cons on the creation and use of GMO technology, I prefer to stay as far away from it as possible.

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine reported that several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food, including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system.
  • Thousands of sheep, buffalo, and goats in India died after grazing on Bt cotton plants
  • Mice eating GM corn for the long term had fewer, and smaller, babies
  • More than half the babies of mother rats fed GM soy died within three weeks, and were smaller
  • Testicle cells of mice and rats on a GM soy change significantly
  • By the third generation, most GM soy-fed hamsters lost the ability to have babies
  • Rodents fed GM corn and soy showed immune system responses and signs of toxicity
  • Cooked GM soy contains as much as 7-times the amount of a known soy allergen
  • Soy allergies skyrocketed by 50% in the UK, soon after GM soy was introduced *Check out the rates in the US after GM soy was introduced.*
  • The stomach lining of rats fed GM potatoes showed excessive cell growth, a condition that may lead to cancer.
  • Studies showed organ lesions, altered liver and pancreas cells, changed enzyme levels, etc.
Do your own research and read the studies.
Sanctus, Nice post! To date they really have not been able to modify the gene structure so that they have zero bad side effects. You are correct that people need to read and look at the research studies in order to be informed.
Thanks Littledear
I will debate that "Zero side effects due to the fact that they have not altered the gene structure" = no adverse affects.
You can have adverse affects regardless of whether the gene structure is altered or not. Pharmaceuticals can give you adverse affects without altering gene structure.
I welcome differing opinions, I learn so much sometimes from a lively debate
maybe I wasn't clear. What I meant was they are not able to make a GMO that doesn't have bad side effects. That was why I said zero side effects. So in other words to date they do have side effects, both good and bad which is why I stay away from them as much as possible. I think we are on the same page with this. Becaus if they have BAD side effects they can't be good for any of us.
Sorry for misunderstanding.
I may have read your response when I was in great need of caffiene

I agree with you..thanks for your clarification.
No problem. Sometimes my communication skills are not what they should be. I really didn't word it very well. I am in need of caffine most of the time so I understand that as well.
I started a new flock recently. I was feeding Purina egg layer. I was getting very few eggs at first but just figured it was because they were just starting. Then when I finally started get at least four eggs a day out of 14 chickens I thought that maybe things would get better. They didn't. I kept only getting two to four eggs a day and most were three yokers. This happened for another month straight. Now I can see that happening on an occasion but this was consistent for about a month. Then I heard about the birth defects caused by GMO's. I took them off of commercial feed and started them on a mixture of wheat, crimped oats and timothy hay pellets and plan to add barley and millet. For scratch I use only wild bird seed with no corn in it. I supplement this with spinach and other fresh veggies, steamed carrots, watermelons and once in a while cooked whole grain rice with whole wheat bread as treats. After a couple of weeks they started laying good and the three yokers have stopped completely. Not even a two yoker. I started getting six to eleven eggs a day. Then they went down to two. They went into a molt which is what I was actually looking for info on when I saw this thread and thought I would share my GMO experience with. I changed my dog over to Blue Buffalo and am working on a diet for my cats. I have cut corn and factory farmed meat out of my diet completely.
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