goat kid with scours


12 Years
Apr 13, 2007
Urbana Missouri
Okay my nubian buckling is 12 days old now. He had normal stool when I brought him home, but since then he's had the scours. The original owner had him on kid replacer, but after reading so many bad things about kid replacer, I have moved him onto whole milk. Maybe I'm feeding him too much.... I don't know. He was getting 20 or so ounced 2 times a day and I've got him on 10 ounces (ish) 4 times a day now.
He acts just fine and is a lively little guy. When should I worry? Is there anything I can do? Obviously, if it continues, I will take him into the vet. Ideas?
UGH! i wish had some advice to give you! i know that scours in a baby isnt good...heres a bump up for the others to help..
Thanks Redhen.

I just don't know how worried I should be if he's acting just fine. Someone told me that i can offer him some human OTC meds in his bottle like pepto or immodium.
I just don't know what to do. He's such a sweetheart.
See, that's what I thought. THat's why I modified his feedings. In nature, he wouldn't drink 20 ounces from his mama at one feeding.
He's already feeling alone enough without his "birth" mother. I just figured it would be better to try and mimic what his "mama" would do for him and give him smaller more frequent meals.
I never want to have so many animals that I make their lifestyle fit mine. It should be the other way around.
Yep, smaller meals, more often, and he should be fine in 24 hours. If he was here I wouldn't treat him with anything unless he had more symptoms.
If it were my goat kid, I would give him some plain yogurt in the milk a few times and a shot of PennG. The yogurt will add some good bacteria to the rumen while the PG will overcome any infection if that is the issue.
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I agree with Goat Talker and I also add a pinch of baking soda to the first bottle of the day...maybe his tummy is a little upset. If the scours are yellow he is doing good. Mine did this as they were being fed 2 times a day before I got them and I moved them to 3 and 2 got the trots and it didnt take to long for it to stop. If you can find it Diaque is wonderful for the scours and keeps them hydrated. You can order it if you cant find it thru Jeffers I believe. Great stuff and he should get better soome with the milk instead of replacer.
When I switched from replacer to whole milk I was told to add 2 - 2.5 cc's of pepto to the bottle to ease the transition. I also took a sample to the vet to check for cocci, which was negative.

Mine are getting 6-7 oz 4x a day, they are nigerians. I've gotten so much conflicting info it's hard to decifer what one should do.
Mine still has alittle diarrhea, starts out fine and then gets kinda runny. Today I will give the cd antitoxin and worm them. They are 3 weeks old.

Good luck with your little goat

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