Goats As Road Kill


11 Years
Sep 23, 2008
Monroe, Ga
Ive heard a saying "Ive seen cows, horses, deer, chickens, squirrels all hit in the road, but Ive never seen a goat!"
..come to think of it... Neither have I.

Have you?
Close. I was driving a very busy two lane highway one time, and saw a large goat on the side of the road. She was alive, thankfully. I started going around to homes in the area until I found the grateful owners. They said they'd been trying to catch her for three days. Guess they did, finally, I didn't see her again.
I've seen one, but I'm actually guessing it fell out of a trailer, it was a pretty young baby. Also saw a piglet in a similar situation.

My favorite goat of all time was killed when she was run over, it was my sister that ran over her, it didn't actually kill her, she died of complications from surgery after.
A few years back.....came across one hit and dead. The other was by its side. I tried finding the owner and finally found a house with a pen. Couldnt get close to the goat, and it wasnt leaving the dead one. I drug the dead one off the road near the pen and left...all I could do.

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Close. I was driving a very busy two lane highway one time, and saw a large goat on the side of the road. She was alive, thankfully. I started going around to homes in the area until I found the grateful owners. They said they'd been trying to catch her for three days. Guess they did, finally, I didn't see her again.
just found this thread, I guess you really got their goat.lol

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