Golden Cuckoo Marans Eggs - WA State - The stories

Gold Cuckoo pullet from Melissa (Pasofino):


Don and Melissa's Gold Cuckoo chicks among other Marans babies:


My only hope for a Gold Roo (from Don):


If you are looking for Gold Cuckoos, Pasofino and Nivtup both have EXCELLENT lines!

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Gosh Greg if I had only known you needed one... we ate 30+ with some really nice birds... Is the little fellow kind of upright and 'drumsticky'? Body type is usualy my first clue even before comb development.

I have to get you a pic of yours tomorrow. WOW is all I can say. They are fully feathered and awsome looking and if the eggs are as good as the ones I hatched I am gonna be tickeled PINK!

Here is what your girl should look like when finished. Sorry for the blur...
Received the eggs today, great packing and beautiful looking eggs, nice color too. Thank you very much! will post how the hatching goes.
got my eggs today too. They'll go the bator tonight. They're nice dark brown and I told a friend they looked like chocolate. She said "don't eat them!" I'd never b/c I want each and every one to turn in to a little chick and hatch in 3 weeks.

Thanks Don! I left FB on the feedback thread.
Some of the youngsters coming along:

Pullet, good feather color.

Cockeral, good feather coloring coming in.

Cockeral, one that hatched out in the wheaten coloration, feathering in as a yellow cuckoo? He has a few darker feathers in both wings and tail.
I will try for better pictures another day.
What are you using to candle these eggs? I've tried and they are so dark, I can't see anything. I can see very well in the other eggs though - (white, light brown, or tinted ones.) Any advice? I'd love to know what's going on in there...its end of day 7 tonight.

edited to say: I just checked again and I did see what I think are veins in some (1/2?) of them...granted they are not clear and red looking like in the white eggs, but they do look spiderweb-like...and there was a dark little MOVING blob in 1 of them! YAY! Now if I see that in the others in 3 more days, I'll be ecstatic!
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