Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Hi Everyone! I haven't been around on BYC for awhile but I'm glad to see the Wyandotte Thread is as strong as ever!

I have been working on Golden Laced for a while but I have decided to focus on Partridge and Silver Pencilled. That means I've still got a few nice GL (3 Pullets, 1 cockerel, 1 Adult Pair) and a few SL to go with (4 SL hens). Some of you may remember my post from last fall with some rather immature pics. Well, you'll be glad you waited because they only got better :) Lots better...

The whole lot has to go, so someone help me out and make a visit to Indiana :) Swap meet season is coming up soon :) Sorry if you're reading this twice...I posted on the Wyandotte Thread as well.

Here are a few pics:

Old Male


Old Females

2 year old female

Hi all!
I'm about to start up my first chicken flock and I've set my heart on GLWs. I'm located in the middle of Montana, so I think my only way to go about getting my first birds is mail-order. I understand hatchery lines vary in quality, especially in the rare-ish breeds. Can anyone recommend a good supplier of Wyandottes? Currently I'm considering Cackle Hatchery and Purely Poultry. Of course if there are any actual breeders in the area that would be preferable, but my search hasn't turned any up. Thanks for the input!
Not sure about where to get breeder GLW. I got Blue Laced Red Wyandottes from a breeder and they are rather friendly as far as a chicken goes. This year I got GLW from TSC and they are nasty! I do believe out of 2 straight run I do have 2 roos....they are a real pain! I would get breeder birds, bred for temperment for sure!
I want to say what pretty GLW everyone has. Last week I picked up 4 3 week old chicks. I can tell one is a roo. I hope the other 3 will be hens. Can't wait to see how pretty they will be. :)
Hi guys roo or pullet 7 weeks old.

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