Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Got my new chicks a few weeks ago. Picked GLW as one of the breeds in the flock based on the pictures and comments here on BYC.

Here is when we first got home

And now here is last week

Love the color coming in on their little wings.

Finally, here is a pic from last night.

I'll try to get some better pictures of the wing feathers this weekend. They are great foragers (always scratching at pecking at the sod strip I put in) and eagerly come to eat out of my hand.
Girls got to go outside today here are a couple of pics.


Beautiful day and they loved exploring a bit.
I got 6 st. run. Wish I could have bought more. Sorry phone camera makes my pics with the flash too darn yellow. Some guy around here breeds them. But actually got them from second hand guy. So where the first guy got his original stock from, no idea. I guess we will find out when they get older. LOL
These were my girls just after I got them. These and my buff orpingtons are my favorites. Shhhh...don't tell my children. I am not suppose to pick favorites.

I am going to attempt to get pictures of them again tomorrow. They are now 5 weeks old.
Need help, one of my GLW girls is sick. I noticed last night she was not as active, and this morning all puffed up like she is cold.

Here are some pics.


She is acting like she is cold even though in front of the light. She ate this morning and ate some from my hand this afternoon. First though I is Cocci but didn't want to jump to extremes if it could be something else.

Separated her from the brood & monitoring, ant thoughts?

Thanks. vjc

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