Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Need help, one of my GLW girls is sick. I noticed last night she was not as active, and this morning all puffed up like she is cold.

Here are some pics.

She is acting like she is cold even though in front of the light. She ate this morning and ate some from my hand this afternoon. First though I is Cocci but didn't want to jump to extremes if it could be something else.

Separated her from the brood & monitoring, ant thoughts?

Thanks. vjc

Get some vetrx and rub on it's nostrils. What ever you do, NO SHOTS!!!
Need a poo look. Is it bloody?

She just pooped this and it looks normal.
Need help, one of my GLW girls is sick. I noticed last night she was not as active, and this morning all puffed up like she is cold.

Here are some pics.


She is acting like she is cold even though in front of the light. She ate this morning and ate some from my hand this afternoon. First though I is Cocci but didn't want to jump to extremes if it could be something else.

Separated her from the brood & monitoring, ant thoughts?

Thanks. vjc

Up with the chick at midnight she was drinking some but not eating. When I got up at 6 she had died. Observed the rest of the flock for an hour this AM everyone else looks normal. Should I give an antibiotic as a precaution or just monitor? Thanks
Up with the chick at midnight she was drinking some but not eating. When I got up at 6 she had died. Observed the rest of the flock for an hour this AM everyone else looks normal. Should I give an antibiotic as a precaution or just monitor? Thanks

Did she get wet some how?? Never had an older chick do that. So I probably won't be good for advice.
Yay! Oh the future babies!

About the chick that died... No, do not give antibiotics. Do put ACV with the mother in their water. Sometimes, for reasons unknown, they die. That sucks big time. Just had an EE pullet do that yesterday... 9 week pullet. Puffed up one day, dead the next. Why, don't know, but all other birds are good... I wish I had an answer or an idea, but...

My girl is suffering another round of IB... Another round of antibiotics... I love GLWs, but I will never get another from hatchery stock. So many problems I have had with them repro wise.

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