Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Don't know what the chances are, but thought I would toss it out here... looking for 1 or 2 more GLW pullets. I lost one weeks ago to illness, and then lost a BO today who got caught in the fencing. So I have room for a couple more in my flock. All of the others are 8 weeks old, so would want new ones about the same age to prevent any problems. Live in Sanford NC but drive to the Raleigh/Cary area each day so anything within a few hours distance would be great. (fingers crossed) Thanks.
Update photos:)! Now four weeks old and looks to me like one definate roo, one maybe roo, and a very dark pullet. What do you think???

The very dark pullet

The maybe pullet?

The DEFINATE roo-figures as he looks to be the nicest and I'm not in this for Roos :(

You will Find that Most People will Say that that is NOT a Wyandotte. If you go strictly by the Standard Of Perfection A Single Comb is Disqualifing For Show Purposes. But there are Breeders that will say the Single comb gene enhances Fertility. I wont argue that one way or another however i Do Know that if you buy chicks from most hatcheries and one turns up single comb they will replace it. Personally if i were Just starting out I probably wouldnt breed this bird. But to answer Your Question YES they can Physically be born single comb even from some of the Best stock in the country. Futhermore if you did use it as a breeder not all its offspring will be born single comb
You will Find that Most People will Say that that is NOT a Wyandotte. If you go strictly by the Standard Of Perfection A Single Comb is Disqualifing For Show Purposes. But there are Breeders that will say the Single comb gene enhances Fertility. I wont argue that one way or another however i Do Know that if you buy chicks from most hatcheries and one turns up single comb they will replace it. Personally if i were Just starting out I probably wouldnt breed this bird. But to answer Your Question YES they can Physically be born single comb even from some of the Best stock in the country. Futhermore if you did use it as a breeder not all its offspring will be born single comb

No I haven't used it yet. Wasn't going to probably. There still only 6 weeks old. I will run outside and try to get a quick pics of them. These are my first GLW.
There about the same. I have 2 that have tail feathers. The other 4 nothing. Usually but not always the ones with no tails and take longer to feather are roos.

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