Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Here are my four GLWs. They are 9.5 weeks old and are all a little different. Two are more golden, two darker two long tails, two short. But at this point I "think" they are all pullets.


This is Roy, he is darker with a very long black tail. I thought for the longest time she was a he (hence the name). But with the comb and wattles still so small at almost 10 weeks I'm thinking pullet.


This is Zinia, quite golden with a little swirly stub of a tail.


Next is Gladys, she is golden with a longer gold/black tail. She is know to jump up on my arm or back when I have treats so she can get them first.


Finally Mable, she is mostly black with just some gold and a short thin black tail.
So here are my three, all together. If short tails means roo, why does my bigest bird with the most feathers, and really the only one with a tail, have the largest and pinkest comb (the bird farthest to the right)?


Here is a shot from above. The one standing alone is the bird to the right in the picture above. Note the tail but the absence on the other two.

And just for "fun"-here is an above shot of that dark dark bird from picture one. She (maybe) has next to no feathers compared to the others and hardly any gold. What should this tell me?

Update photos:)! Now four weeks old and looks to me like one definate roo, one maybe roo, and a very dark pullet. What do you think???

The very dark pullet

The maybe pullet?

The DEFINATE roo-figures as he looks to be the nicest and I'm not in this for Roos



I'm pretty sure that you have 2 cockerals there & 1 pullet! Sorry lol....but the maybe roo is a roo....just a smaller version probably, my rooster was like that when he was little, took him a while to grow compared to others
She just pooped this and it looks normal.
Even if their poop is normal once that doesn't mean it wasn't bloody or somewhat bloody before that & sometimes they dont' even get those symptoms before they die when they have Cocci...all I've heard & know about Cocci is that if they POOF UP & act droopy then die, thats probably what they had....needed to get some CORID into their system ASAP
I'm pretty sure that you have 2 cockerals there & 1 pullet! Sorry lol....but the maybe roo is a roo....just a smaller version probably, my rooster was like that when he was little, took him a while to grow compared to others
I agree and have already rehomed the largest roo. The smaller will go in CL soon and will go to freezer camp if he is still around.

As for the pullet-is there any hope she will get some of the fantastic color I'm seeing in the roo? Is it common for there to be such variation in chicks coming from small flocks? These are breeder quality birds and its a very small flock I think.
I agree and have already rehomed the largest roo. The smaller will go in CL soon and will go to freezer camp if he is still around.

As for the pullet-is there any hope she will get some of the fantastic color I'm seeing in the roo? Is it common for there to be such variation in chicks coming from small flocks? These are breeder quality birds and its a very small flock I think.

Awww you don't have to send the smaller roo to freezer camp...GLW roos here go for at least $5-10 lol....
As for the pullet...yes even when they're alot darker in the beginning they can change so fast & get really pretty :) And yes they're will be alot of variation in all of the chicks!

Here's one of my pullets I have had since she hatched...named Cinder :) I raised her brother too " Munky". I sold him though, although now I need another roo doh!

All of the 15 that I hatched together!
Boy in front, girl in back
Girl left, boy right
Here's both of them at 2 months...
Cinder 8.5 wks... Cinder 10 wks.
13 wks... 14.5 wks.
Here's Cinder at 21 wks on the right & one of her younger sisters Dippin Dotte around 15 wks.
Thanks outdoorsii-the pics are encouraging! Hopefully, he finds a home. I've never seen a GLW roo on CL here but all other Roos are hard to get rid of even when free :(.
Here are my four GLWs. They are 9.5 weeks old and are all a little different. Two are more golden, two darker two long tails, two short. But at this point I "think" they are all pullets.


This is Roy, he is darker with a very long black tail. I thought for the longest time she was a he (hence the name). But with the comb and wattles still so small at almost 10 weeks I'm thinking pullet.


This is Zinia, quite golden with a little swirly stub of a tail.


Next is Gladys, she is golden with a longer gold/black tail. She is know to jump up on my arm or back when I have treats so she can get them first.


Finally Mable, she is mostly black with just some gold and a short thin black tail.

Any thoughts??? Pullets or no? Will they get more "standard" coloring over the next few weeks?

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