Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Hello! I had a 1 year old GLW , Grape, who I sadly found dead in my yard yesterday
. Does anyone know any breed specific information that could have played a role in her death? There was no sign of sickness, stuck eggs, nor attack. It looked as if she literally just fell over dead. The only thing I can think of is heat (it has been 95 here) however they always have water, shade and I create a little pool of water for them to stick hot feet in :) I am so curious about what happened so any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
You have any snakes?? Could have been biten.
No, no snakes. I think I discovered what happened- I have one with a respiratory infection all of a sudden. I think my GLW wasn't maybe showing the normal signs that I could catch (the wheezing/sneezing/gaping) and that her lungs filled with fluid. Hopefully I caught the infection soon enough to protect my other girls!
LOVE all of the pictures. We started with 10 GLWs and lost one in the 2nd day. We totally expected to lose more which is why we got so many. This weekend we are going to cull three because we have too many for the space. They are nearly 5 months old. We have two with the single combs, this one which has really come in and the other's is growing in much more slowly. At what age do the roos start showing the beautiful coloring and you can tell it is a roo? We are planning on culling the two with single combs (Dumpling - who pecks at me whenever I pet it or any of the others and Supper - who I have noticed has started pecking at the heads of a couple of the lower hens). Trying to figure out which one is the LOUD cackler to cull her, too. She is hilarious if the others go around the corner of the house because she stretches that neck out and starts calling for the others.

Here is the picture of the most mature single combed. It was raining and they all came into the garage to escape the downpour.

Later I may try to post some other pictures of my girls. They have become very entertaining, except when I am running them off from my blueberry bushes.
I have an opportunity to get some GLW. I heard they aren't as friendly as other breeds. Thoughts??
My GLW Mabel is probably my least friendly chicken. That being said, she REALLY wants to be around me, just not held like my other 4. She is #2 in the pecking order and has been known to be fairly mean, but it seems she's mellowed out recently.
My GLW Mabel is probably my least friendly chicken. That being said, she REALLY wants to be around me, just not held like my other 4. She is #2 in the pecking order and has been known to be fairly mean, but it seems she's mellowed out recently.
She's beautiful!!!!

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