Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Hello Wyandotte folks,

I'm some of you can help me out. I have a pair of Golden Laced Wyandottes that are just now maturing. One is laying, and the other I was positive was a rooster. He's much darker in coloring, with iridescent green feathers and developed faster. He hasn't crowed yet, but is not the dominant chicken in the flock. I'm pretty certain 2 hens are above him in the pecking order. He's been aggressive towards me lately, fluffing his feathers up and has run at me, and even bit me twice, but...the other Wyandotte hen (she's laid) does the same charging and feather ruffling thing. I was sure he was a roo, but now he's started to squat when I stand above him, just like the hens coming into lay. Today, he got into the nesting box and sat for awhile then sag an egg song, but no egg. What in the world????

Here are some pics for comparison:

Hen on top, rooster on bottom:

Confirmed hen:

Rooster? Notice how much darker he is:

Side by side, for comparison. Rooster left, hen right:
That's a hen. A big, mean one, but a hen.
Cockerels start looking like this before the hens start laying. Notice the different feather shape and color on the hackles, saddle, and tail. Not my pic.
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Thanks, FlySammyJ. Your picture makes it more obvious that I don't have a rooster. I got them from the same tub at the feed store and didn't think there would be that much variation between 2. I guess that's what you get with hatchery stock. I feel a little better knowing I won't be dealing with spurs soon!
Thanks, FlySammyJ. Your picture makes it more obvious that I don't have a rooster. I got them from the same tub at the feed store and didn't think there would be that much variation between 2. I guess that's what you get with hatchery stock. I feel a little better knowing I won't be dealing with spurs soon!

Well jeez even being from hatchery stock, the original hen is gorgeous! & the other one is really pretty too even though the lacing is kinda different and not very true, but that green on its back is remarkable!
Here are 2 of my boys. Almost 19 weeks now! Boy do they feather SLOWLY!! Not sure if I am going to keep them since I got all roos and no hens! Already culled 3 of them.

Gosh he looks big! Here's my pullet from a April 22 hatch, so 17-18 weeks I think. She's a spunky lil thing though. She is needing a stern talking to nearly every day for an ongoing biting-the-hand-that-feeds-you problem.
Are these breeds known to be mean? I have over a hundred different birds of about 30 different breeds. So far I had 3 GLW hens that I bought at about 16 weeks old. The were mean as could be - ripping everyone's tail feathers out and flightier than my White Leghorns. I thought it was just because they hadn't been handled much growing up. I traded the meanest of them and the others stopped the feather ripping and grew theirs back. I bought a male chick for them so I could raise him up for a breeding trio next year. He has been attacking me since he was about a week old :( I also ordered a trio of SLW chicks and they are also attacking me. Am I just having bad luck or is this common in this breed? They are the only breeds I have ever had do this. I already sold one hen to a friend that wanted a layer, and am considering getting rid of all of them.

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