Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

I'm really interested to hear what others have to say about their disposition. Mine both will pluck feathers from the other 2 chickens that are lower in the pecking order than them. Personally, I'd never get Wyandottes or Orpingtons again. I've had the most trouble with them out of everyone in my flock. My big hen isn't aggressive towards me anymore, but she will chase and pluck others. They both seem to gang up, one does it then the other joins in.

My GLW were handled a lot. Even as little chicks, they didn't like to be touched like the other birds did.

Here's what one source says:

Hardy In Winter: Yes
Bears Confinement: Bears confinement well
Especially Docile: Yes
Setter/Broody: Yes
Personality: Generally easygoing with a tendency toward domination
Hatchery bred Wyandottes all seem to be mean and bullies. Well bred Wyandottes are not mean at all. I have well over a 100 here and none are mean. There are always exceptions, but it is more rare than common.
I have had partridge and now have gold laced wyandotte bantams. I have had one or two males that were a little mean. But most were easy going and were on the lowest part of the pecking order.
Five month olds from Cackle Hatchery. Got these for my laying flock, and I've been pleasantly surprised by their personalities and ranging instincts. None are laying.

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This is Ruthy. She's about 15 weeks.
Yeay, my 7 month old glw girls just started to lay. Got my first egg today. She even layed in the nesting box. Hopefully my other 2 glw girls will start soon.
Can anyone comment on GLW egg laying habits in a Northern Climate like Michigan? I just got 20 from a farmer that had stopped laying. I've heard they can be finicky and stop for a little while if the weather changes then start back up later.

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