Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!


My Golden Lace Wyandotte girls in their new Chunnel. So easy to make too!
I've got eight GLW pullets hatched in early May, two cockerels from the same hatch, and a rooster who is a year and a half old (he looks terrible right now because he's molting). I also have some Black Australorps, including a cockerel. Originally I was planning to crossbreed (these are all hatchery stock -- I don't show, just have them for eggs and meat, but I like to have nice birds to look at), but right now I'm leaning towards choosing just one breed and sticking with that. I'm leaning towards the GLW's because I like the rose combs for our cold winters, and because I love their coloring. Don't care if they aren't as friendly as some breeds because I don't keep chickens as pets (we have too many predators around here to get attached to individual chickens, and we eat our culls). I was reading on the German New Hampshires thread (the other breed I'm considering, though I'd have to find a source), and it looks like a number of people are purposefully working with them to be practical as well as beautiful homestead birds. Is anyone working with the GLW's that way? Culling for poor laying, selecting for early maturity and good size for meat? I know the lacing makes it harder to work with them as far as their external appearance goes, but I have seen people say many times, first build the barn and THEN paint it, LOL!


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