Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Here are some of my wyans, they are filling out now


I've got eight GLW pullets hatched in early May, two cockerels from the same hatch, and a rooster who is a year and a half old (he looks terrible right now because he's molting). I also have some Black Australorps, including a cockerel. Originally I was planning to crossbreed (these are all hatchery stock -- I don't show, just have them for eggs and meat, but I like to have nice birds to look at), but right now I'm leaning towards choosing just one breed and sticking with that. I'm leaning towards the GLW's because I like the rose combs for our cold winters, and because I love their coloring. Don't care if they aren't as friendly as some breeds because I don't keep chickens as pets (we have too many predators around here to get attached to individual chickens, and we eat our culls). I was reading on the German New Hampshires thread (the other breed I'm considering, though I'd have to find a source), and it looks like a number of people are purposefully working with them to be practical as well as beautiful homestead birds. Is anyone working with the GLW's that way? Culling for poor laying, selecting for early maturity and good size for meat? I know the lacing makes it harder to work with them as far as their external appearance goes, but I have seen people say many times, first build the barn and THEN paint it, LOL!

Although I do like the golden laced wyandottes, IMHO GLW are going to give you an uphill battle as a practical homestead bird. They seem to be the smallest of the Wyandotte varieties, they're slow to mature, and I'd say the egg laying is also not super reliable. And the color is difficult.

As a labor of love, by all means - these are very pretty birds and the more of them there are, the better from my point of view. But if you're looking for a flock of birds that will be practical in terms of your feed bill and sustainability, another variety or another breed will probably give you much enjoyment and get you there faster.
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Some pictures of our trio. I think around 18 weeks, so old photos. They are 6 mo now.

I was told he looked like a rock X. I had a BR roo and the body type is not at all the same. It's like the GLW is an English Bulldog and the BR a tall and skinny Dane. Another very generous person told me that he was a fine start and worth working with. I'd like a good assessment. Maybe you could tell me exactly what I should take photos of? IE, close up of comb/wattles

I know the girls' tales are wrong, a little long but they don't stick straight up like some of the SLW I have (hatchery stock). I wouldn't mind making contact with some breeders for a pullet to improve them.

We almost got rid of them but decided to wait. The buyer didn't come get them for so long that we changed our mind. The hens are the grouchiest hens we have but the roo is fine. Not at all aggressive. Right now everyone is free range waiting for breeding houses.

I wonder if their color isn't a little dark? BTW, the flash caught her feathers weird. No white.
Thanks to all who help educate me!
I wonder if their color isn't a little dark? BTW, the flash caught her feathers weird. No white.
Thanks to all who help educate me!

The color is quite nice in the pictures. I think newer pictures are needed to comment on shape, and then ideally you might weigh them to get a sense of how they are size-wise. The other thing to look for is a good spread behind in the tail, such that the tail feathers on the hens make a nice wide triangle.
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I have a single GLW hen that is breeder stock....anyway someone in the coop laid a very dark brown egg and she's the only one I can think of who could have done it. All I have is Orpingtons, Australorps and a blue Andalusian besides her...I thought they laid light brown eggs? It's a mystery.....

The light color egg is from my GLW. The other two are from my Production Reds. This was the very first egg my GLW laid and that was 5 days ago. She has since laid three more the same color.

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