Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

This morning my hubby told me he awoke to a crow coming from my chicken pen of all *pullets* Or so we thought.. My suspect is my golden laced wyandotte. I don't know how to tell from feathers but here are some pictures and if anyone can tell me what they think I'd appreciate it. We are in town and a rooster is a no-no so I would have to rehome.

He/she is 11 weeks old.

Pit one of my GLW babies 8 weeks old out by the apple tree to scratch in the dirt. Then one of the big RIR hens decided she would scratch with her.... the baby was not having this and attacked my adult hen. The hen defended herself and cut the baby but not bad or continuously thank god. I have now realized how brave and headstrong young chickens can be....
This morning my hubby told me he awoke to a crow coming from my chicken pen of all *pullets* Or so we thought.. My suspect is my golden laced wyandotte. I don't know how to tell from feathers but here are some pictures and if anyone can tell me what they think I'd appreciate it. We are in town and a rooster is a no-no so I would have to rehome.

He/she is 11 weeks old.
I am pretty new to wyandottes, but it looks like a roo to me.
My broody hen hatched out two what were supposed to be BLRW eggs, but on that forum it was suggested that they might actually be GLW's. Or at least a possible mix of the two. I'm just looking for healthy birds, since we aren't breeding, so I just wanted an opinion from this forum. What do you think? BLRW, GLW, or maybe a cross? I know that the one has a straight comb, so not breed standard anyways. Thanks for any imput!
Chick #1

Chick #2

forgot to mention, they are almost 4 weeks in these photos.
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I am pretty new to wyandottes, but it looks like a roo to me.

Well I got up this morning at 4:30am and waited to catch my suspect and sure enough it is my GLW. All I could do was laugh. It was so cute! Oh man I wish I could keep him. It's a sad day for me. I'm calling around to see who might want our young roo. Maybe I can find someone who would trade me for a pullet.
Here's my 4 week old GLW chicks! They are super sweet & friendly. I am thinking one might be a cockerel so I will post in the breed & gender forum too. Probably too soon to tell but one has a larger comb than the others.

Fluffy & Nacho

Sweetpea (suspected cockerel)


Congrats !
.. Mine are 6 wks. pushing 7. By 4 wks. my boys both had that fleshy look where the comb is. and pink spots under their chins, and nothing for the girls still.
My broody hen hatched out two what were supposed to be BLRW eggs, but on that forum it was suggested that they might actually be GLW's. Or at least a possible mix of the two. I'm just looking for healthy birds, since we aren't breeding, so I just wanted an opinion from this forum. What do you think? BLRW, GLW, or maybe a cross? I know that the one has a straight comb, so not breed standard anyways. Thanks for any imput!
Chick #1

Chick #2

forgot to mention, they are almost 4 weeks in these photos.

Chick 1 looks all GLW, could technically still be a mix and just got more of the GLW look. But #2 definitely looks like she has some blue in there too so prob a mix? I dont have any BLRW, so not sure what they look like when they are little.

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