Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

We just received our chick order from McMurray yesterday and, of course, they included a free "exotic" chick as a gift. I've been searching to see if I can determine what breed it is and my best guess is Golden Laced Wyandotte.

I'm hoping some of you experts can help me with the identification.

He/she's about 4 days old and has the loudest peep I have ever heard!

Thanks in advance for any help in identifying this little cutie.
What a cutie!! It sure looks like it.
Thanks everyone for your replies and photos. Those are beautiful birds. Identifying mine is now a moot point as the little guy suddenly sickened and died the next day. I really hated to los himbut I'm happy the rest of the chicks from the order are strong and healthy.
here is Goldy, she is. 4 days old. I'm very excited to watch her bloom!
I have 3 RIR , 3 EE , 1 Rock, 2 EE game mix one being a Rooster. super good boy! Goldy is the first pullet I have had that doesn't want to be held all the time. Is this normal for this breed? My rock is very loving. Also , do GLW have a tendency to go broody? If yes, can you share any experiences? Thanks in advance.
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here is Goldy, she is. 4 days old. I'm very excited to watch her bloom!
I have 3 RIR , 3 EE , 1 Rock, 2 EE game mix one being a Rooster. super good boy! Goldy is the first pullet I have had that doesn't want to be held all the time. Is this normal for this breed? My rock is very loving. Also , do GLW have a tendency to go broody? If yes, can you share any experiences? Thanks in advance.

none of my GLW like to be held. you may pet them if they come up to you, otherwise they'd rather just be fed and left alone. They do however chase me around for food.
5 days ago I started to here an odd eeeeoww sound early, early in the am. It took me 3 days but I found out what it was.... One of my 2 cockerels at 9 weeks old has decided to start to practice his crowing abilities, and I know witch one it is. The thing is that its not the one I was thinking of keeping. My question is.. Dose this mean anything ?? Like the one I wanted to keep was leaning towards the one who is bigger, prettier, and is the only one to perch on their water tower, as to the loud one being the challenger, less appealing and never sits on the water tower. Is this a sign of confidence on the quiet one, and the challenger is trying to prove him self.??
Or is the earlier crower the one who's going to be in charge.??
5 days ago I started to here an odd eeeeoww sound early, early in the am. It took me 3 days but I found out what it was.... One of my 2 cockerels at 9 weeks old has decided  to start to practice his crowing abilities, and I know witch one it is. The thing is that its not the one I was thinking of keeping. My question is..  Dose this mean anything ??  Like the one I wanted to keep was leaning towards the one who is bigger, prettier, and is the only one to perch on their water tower, as to the loud one being the challenger, less appealing and never sits on the water tower. Is this a sign of confidence on the quiet one, and the challenger is trying to prove him self.??:idunno  Or is the earlier crower the one who's going to be in charge.??
I think you are reading into the crow too much. If they are only 9wks old. You just have an early Crower... The one in charge is going to act in charge. He will protect the flock more than the other, put the other it it's place, do the mating dance around the other rooster to assert dominance and so forth, crowing or not. But they are too young for most of that.

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