Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Yeah i actually just wanted one my daughter started showing chickens than one went to 9 when my husband went to the feed store and somehow convinced me to bring them home haha
Yeah i actually just wanted one my daughter started showing chickens than one went to 9 when my husband went to the feed store and somehow convinced me to bring them home haha

lol we have one breed that will be show chickens for my son. he is now learning basic care of them but he is only 6. He chose the breed by himself and a very good one. Im proud of him. he chose Nankins which are on the critical list because and i quote "i want to save more of them and show people how handsome they are mama"
How sweet.! A very special little guy you have.
How sweet.! A very special little guy you have.:yiipchick
he is. I'm so proud of him. All my kids really but the others are quitenold enough to understand. My step son still thinks all chickens are roosters and refuse any different and my 4 year old son is still kind of afraid of them and just likes to watch them. Unless they are babies he wants nothing to do with touching them. And my other on is 7 months and just likes touching feathers.
That is so sweet yeah my daughter is five shes showing Millie Fleur D'Uccles decided something small would work best first tried silikes but having to hold them the whole time they get heavy after a while so we switched
Hi all! I live in NE Indiana and have a gold laced Wyandotte cockerel (currently 11 weeks old) for sale/trade. He is going to be a beautiful rooster I think but he's challenging my Golden Polish cockerel (the one I want to keep) and I don't have space to separate them. Henry (the GLW) is becoming territorial over my GP pullet. We have 13 pullets and space for everyone in the coop and run. I just don't have a separation option.
This photo was taken a week or so ago. He's grown quite a bit since then and is beginning to get some green in his wing feathers.

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