Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!


All of my GLW ladies turning out beautifully.
Yes, they are. Mine are just starting to look distinctive. I love this breed.
I didnt have such good luck with my adopted GLW hen. She is 1 1/2 yrs old & extremely aggressive towards all the other birds. Actually terrorizing 2 particular hens. One being a RIR & a Jersey Giant. She isnt mean to humans, just other chickens. She actually seeks out the two I mentioned from across the yard and comes charging after them. Jumping on thier backs, pinning them down & ripping feathers out of tier heads. Just an absolute terror for my other hens. I have 7 total. I had to remove her from the rest & place her in a large dog cage for now. I might re-introduce them in about a wk & see if the pecking order has knocked her off her edistal a little bit. If not, shes going to a new home. I also had a SLW I got at the same time I got my GLW#. They came from the same flock. The SLW was extremely antisocial & aggressive towards my smaller RIR & Leghorn. From my personal experience, I do not recommend Wyondottes if you want a docile sweet flock without bloodshed. Thank you! (Also, if anyone has any suggestions & can get back to me asap please do. We love Phoenix, but we just cant have such a mean bird in our flock). Today is 7-12-14. I will re-introduce her back into the flock in a week. Shes got a wk to straighten up her attitude. I hope she does!
My two GLOws are just as aggressive. They both gang up on a few of the other hens lower in the pecking order. I have heard you can remove the aggressive when to adjust the pecking order. It's worth a try before reforming her. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.
I think thats what Im going to try. Im rather new to being a hen mother. Just having them since winter. Ive got so much to learn but I do know it seems like she goes WAY out of her way to dangerously attack. Im so worried shes going to seriously injure one of them. I gave in & let her out og the cage this morning to free range with then others. It broke my heart to see her trapped....pacing frantically back & forth. How long should I keep her completely seperated for? I only have a large metal dog crate to keep her in & I know they arent suppose to be able to see each other. Would 3 days make a difference? Thanks for any & all help!
I've always heard a week or more. Please don't feel bad for putting her in a kennel. I've had to do the same with a broody hen 3 different times. I set up food and water, then pushed a stick through the wire of the cage to make a roost. She pretty much sat on the roost for the week. If you have a hen that's picking on others like you describe, it's important to take care of it. I had a sad situation happen earlier this year involving picking. A few hens decided to start pecking at my Sultan, then the rooster got involved and started attacking/picking. She died from her wounds. It can get out of hand pretty quickly. So yes, keep her separate for at least a week and put her where she can't see the rest of the flock.
Thats what Im going tio do. I love Pheonix, I just cant have her being the terror she's being. She wont even let a cpl of the others eat or drink. Im going to try to seperate them for a wk. Then re-introduce her & see what happens. Thank you so myuch for your advice =0

Doodoo, Dixie and Dounut.
We love how quiet they are...sometimes I forget they are out there. Oh until today, someone made a noise that sounded kind of Rooster-ish. Hmmmm
We fear that Donut is a dude.... just hope that the other two are hens.
Any one know how to tell for sure and can a hen have florescent green in the tail?
Oh ya !! looks like you have one who has its comb and wattles matured and not the others. Its been 13 week for mine and the boys (2) have had theirs fully developed. and the girls (4) still have not. How old are yours ? Because one cockerel started crowing at 9 wks., and the other the next week.

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