Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Oh and my cockerels tail and some back feathers are like a dark chocolate gloss to them. Hoped this helped.
My chickens are 13 weeks. The male has always been the larger of the 3 and his waddle and comb have been bright red for two weeks. I couldn't get past the florescent green tail feathers, I knew we were in trouble. I just refused to believe it because he is so tame, a real sweetie, I am just dissapointed because i really wanted three layers. Now i have to decide how to proceed, find two older birds, or two chicks, or just raise the two? Urban farming is so limited. :(

I know i can find him a good home, we have nothing but farms all around us and he is going to be beautiful.
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Yes !! The males are bigger than the hens. So we got ours in the same week. How cool. To look at them, its hard to believe that they are not full grown yet .!!? This is my first time, and intend to be a Breeder of them. ( none in my area ). And He is going to be beautiful.!!
As to the hens, well that depends on how much eggs you want. I picked this breed because they were not heavy layers and were perfect for single family providing, same for the kinder goats. But weather you go with the chics or older, be sure to keep them separated from the ones you have now for a week or so,so you know they are not bringing some illness or something to the flock you already have. Good luck.
Wow, that is kind of cool. Thanks for the tip.

I was told that this is a large breed and boy are they, but I picked them because they are supposed to be less noisy over all. I realize that there are no guarantees...I realize that they are chickens. However, compared to a few RR's I used to have this breed is practically silent__until yesterday that is. :) Our girls make our garden come to life and we consider them pets; the eggs are a neat little bonus. :)

I just can't decide what to do and I just found someone with 4 week old Buff Orpingtons. i wonder...

I love Vermont by the by. We had friends that lived in Milton, such a beautiful state.
Yes !! The males are bigger than the hens. So we got ours in the same week. How cool. To look at them, its hard to believe  that they are not full grown yet .!!? This is my first time, and intend to be a Breeder of them. ( none in my area ). And He is going to be beautiful.!!:love  As to the hens, well that depends on how much eggs you want. I picked this breed because they were not heavy layers and were perfect for single family providing, same for the kinder goats. But weather you go with the chics or older, be sure to keep them separated from the ones you have now for a week or so,so you know they are not bringing some illness or something to the flock you already have. Good luck.
does that mean that my biggest one could possibly be a rooster? Cause I really don't want another GLW roo.
Wow, that is kind of cool. Thanks for the tip.

I was told that this is a large breed and boy are they, but I picked them because they are supposed to be less noisy over all. I realize that there are no guarantees...I realize that they are chickens. However, compared to a few RR's I used to have this breed is practically silent__until yesterday that is. :) Our girls make our garden come to life and we consider them pets; the eggs are a neat little bonus. :)

I just can't decide what to do and I just found someone with 4 week old Buff Orpingtons. i wonder...

I love Vermont by the by. We had friends that lived in Milton, such a beautiful state.

Thank you. Never could stand to be away from these mountains for long. Ya the roos will crow in the morning but they are quiet the rest of the day, at least mine are. I truly love this breed
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It depends on how old they are. ( for me the more they matured the more noticeable the differences were ).  Right now at 13 weeks I have 1 hen that's a little bigger than the other hens, she most likely be the queen of the coop. How old is yours any ways ?
they are about 15 wks or so. They still all look about the same except one is bigger and has a bit more of the reddish color

This is my GLW 16 week old cockerel(on left). I am assuming that he is the only male GLW I have since none of the others have hackle or Saddle feathers like he does and his comb and waddle are huge! He hasn't crowed yet! When they were younger he was one of three suspects but now I couldn't even tell you who the other two were!
So the question I came up with is do all GLW Cockerels have this coloring or could some of the ones that look like the pullets be boys too?

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