Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!


This is my GLW 16 week old cockerel(on left). I am assuming that he is the only male GLW I have since none of the others have hackle or Saddle feathers like he does and his comb and waddle are huge! He hasn't crowed yet! When they were younger he was one of three suspects but now I couldn't even tell you who the other two were!
So the question I came up with is do all GLW Cockerels have this coloring or could some of the ones that look like the pullets be boys too?
The only thing for sure, and for me its a dead give away is...the full comb and wattles. Especially at 16 weeks. Now about the crowing, every thing I've read says that between 16 and 20 weeks crowing means that they were matured and could mate. With that said I feel that this breed has a good % of early crowers, yours will in time. The tail feathers are certainly different by now also.
They are beautiful, congrats.!!
this is Goldie she is 6 weeks. I have been looking at her comb and thought it looked a bit dark. Am I doing something wrong ? Or is this normal? Thank you in advance! Her beak is clear at the tip but almost looked crooked in the picture.
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I got 3 of my chickens from someone who had to tear down their coop. They were about a year old and already laying well. It worked out great. I also have some that are not laying yet. I would just rather not have to blend them again. I hate to watch the a new member coming in. They always get picked on.
this is Goldie she is 6 weeks. I have been looking at her comb and thought it looked a bit dark. Am I doing something wrong ? Or is this normal? Thank you in advance! Her beak is clear at the tip but almost looked crooked in the picture.

I personally have never seen that. Was she like that when you got her ? Almost looks like she's been inked. My boys had dark green ink at the top of their beak area that lasted until their combs came in, but my girls didn't have combs at that age. I can't imagine you causing it though. I would go to the Raising baby chick part of the forum.

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