Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

We have GLW's also...Just love them. will try to post some pics but won't have time for a few weeks. They started laying a few weeks ago and it has added to the fun. Good luck with your flock.
Trying to confirm if my GLW and SLW are hens or roo's.... Anyone have any thoughts?


We raised champion bantam bard rocks when the kids were young. They won everything at our open and 4 h shows. Loved them but could not find babies when we got chicks this time so we chose golden laced Wyandottes and could not be happier
Since we spend a lot of time with the girls while we are out in the yard I am amazed at how smart they are. Who knew. I mean no 'pulletzer' prize here. ... Lol ... But it is interesting what they pick up on
Iam just crazy about these girls and just wish I could not be so worried about predators
This is Raven, my 23 week old GLW, and her 1st egg that she layed 2 days ago! She has layed 2 eggs since. Go Raven! Now I wish my other 9 girls would start to lay.

I'm new to the group and to chickens. We just got a batch of Golden Laced and Silver Laced Wyandottes, and a "mystery chick". At what age will I be able to tell them apart. As of now only 1 is really gold colored, and her name is "Goldie"

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