Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

I have 12 glw pullets that are 7 months old. Right now I easily get 5 eggs a week from them. Great breed for eggs. Mind you this is December with less daylight hours. Good luck with your girls and Merry Christmas.
My are about 9 weeks old, so they aren't laying yet. They are however, on the lookout for Santa Claus. What should I give them for Christmas?

Forage cake and a hanging cabbage?

There's someone around here that liked to make "pies" for their girls (think of those pictures people make out of food for their kids to get some ideas).
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Can you guys please let me know what you think of my roo? We're thinking about getting into breeding. Thanks!

Is he a young bird? He doesn't (yet?) show the Wyandotte type I'd look for if he's a cock, but if he's a cockerel, he's got nice lacing and good wing carriage, so he might grow into his body better. The young ones often look like this.

That said, good GLW males are not easy to come by, and he might be worth using once on really typey females to get a better male, worst case.

Lovely rooster. I'm in the process of finding homes for 4 of my 5 GLW roos, due to a mistake at the hatchery. I don't know which one to keep, the largest? or the prettiest? best personality? I'm really tempted to keep "Pee Wee" as he was a runt and took a lot of special care upon arrival, but I have to admit he wouldn't be the best choice for breeding. Also, at what age do I need to get rid of them to avoid serious fighting. They are at almost 12 weeks now and still getting along fairly well.
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Lovely rooster. I'm in the process of finding homes for 4 of my 5 GLW roos, due to a mistake at the hatchery. I don't know which one to keep, the largest? or the prettiest? best personality? I'm really tempted to keep "Pee Wee" as he was a runt and took a lot of special care upon arrival, but I have to admit he wouldn't be the best choice for breeding. Also, at what age do I need to get rid of them to avoid serious fighting. They are at almost 12 weeks now and still getting along fairly well.
I had a pair of GLW brothers, they got along fine until the following spring. I got rid of the head Orp roo, so they fought who was in charge. Once settled, they would fight only occasionally. The head GLW roo was removed when he challenged my daughter twice, before it led to attacks. The second GLW is now main man going on 3 years old and respectful. They take a long time before fully filled out, so keep them long enough to get a better idea of plumage, size, body type and temperament.
Thanks for the advice. I'm afraid the longer I keep them the more attached I will get to them. I've noticed that Pee Wee is catching up to the others, so that it is getting harder to tell him apart at a glance. If he grows to be a big healthy rooster, I may keep him and part with his brothers, unless there is some reason not too (such as his offspring might be weak?) This is my first experience with chickens, so any advice will be much appreciated.

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