Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Is it common for GLW to go broody? My Goldie was sitting on 6 eggs last night. Through the night and did not get out of box intel I fed them there morning feed. She stayed out for 20 min and went right back to laying box. The thing with her us she has NEVER been one to hang out in laying box and I swear doesn't make a sound when she lays her egg. Unlike the rest of the hens. Those RIR wow!! It just surprised me. I want a broody and have fertile eggs. I just thought with her personality she would be the last to go broody. Any info will help! Basically is it common for this breed? She's from the tractor store. Another reason I didn't think she would ever try.
Hi everyone :)

We decided the Roo for us would be a GLW. His name is Roo, original I know lol.
I think he was about 3 months when we got him, but I'm not sure of his age. He still crows funny and his talons and tail feathers aren't fully developed. We've had him for about 3 months so that would make him 6months old.

How old do you think my Roo is? We got him from a heritage breeder, do you think he has much growing/feathering out to do?





Wow, that is a lovely rooster. His feathering is awesome. I can't imagine he would grow much more, maybe put on a little weight over time, do you have some way to weigh him? I think the breed average is 7 1/2 pounds for a rooster. So you could weigh him now, and make a little growth chart to see if he gains much over the next 6 months. I would be curious to see what he weighs and much he gains.
Hi everyone

We decided the Roo for us would be a GLW. His name is Roo, original I know lol.

He looks a bit like my beautiful boy, Feyd.

Feyd will be 2yo in March, and is quite the solid rooster under those pretty feathers. He holds his tail too high, and isn't quite as round as I might prefer ... but believe it or not I bought him at the local Tractor Supply store as a newly hatched chick. It took Feyd the better part of a year to get full sized (including filling out) and then finally start growing spurs.
Wow, that is a lovely rooster. His feathering is awesome. I can't imagine he would grow much more, maybe put on a little weight over time, do you have some way to weigh him? I think the breed average is 7 1/2 pounds for a rooster. So you could weigh him now, and make a little growth chart to see if he gains much over the next 6 months. I would be curious to see what he weighs and much he gains.

Hi, thanks for replying. We got him from poultry breeders. Heritage Farm in Waitakere Auckland, New Zealand.
Her show birds were giants! I can't remember seeing her GLW but I saw her SLW and the Rooster was HUGE! Like a bloody turkey.
I will definitely keep an eye on his size. He's still got a lot of growing to do I reckon. Still a whole year before he's fully grown.
Maybe the average is actually more like 8 1/2 lbs. for a GLW Rooster? I look forward to seeing how he turns out, so please keep posting pics. I hope you decide to breed him, he looks like a very nice specimen to me.
Maybe the ave actually more like 8 1/2 lbs. for a GLW Rooster? I look forward to seeing how he turns out, so please keep posting pics. I hope you decide to breed him, he looks like a very nice specimen to me. :)

Thank you :) He is a really nice natured bird too. Was living with other young cockerals when I bought him. He's polite with the ladies and calls them for food bits he finds :) he's living amongst some of his chicks and bought day olds now.

We have a mix of about 13 different breeds of hen, one of each. This includes a SLW hen and I'm pretty sure our 2 Silkies that shared a nest are co-raising a litte Wyandotte chick. I read that the chicks would come out sex linked so I believe it will be a GLW pullet :)

My Silkies with the wyandotte chick

He has also fathered 5 other chicks, one Silkie x, one Faverolles x, one I think is a Hamburg x, and 2 unkonown. Will take some pics for ya :)
It is great that he so good with the others, especially young ones. I'm planning on adding to my flock this spring, and am a bit nervous about how my hens and roosters will accept the newcomers.

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