Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!




Hello, is this a GLW chick? I have a GLW Rooster and one of my hens is a SLW, I think this is their baby?

What do you think?
Looks like it is possible. Here are this morning's pics of my crew, out of the brooder shed finally. (Now we can air the shed out again!)

Those are Ideal red broilers in with the GLWs.

Here is a pic of my Wyandotte chicks, the one in front is a Golden laced, the ones with lighter faces are Silver Laced. I had one chick that was lighter all over, he ended up being my SLW Rooster:

And here is today:

Hope this is helpful.
I have 5 GLW roosters right now, trying to find homes for 4 of them. They have very "individual" personalities. A couple of them are pretty friendly, in fact I was just out in the coop and my "keeper", Russell Crowe, came up to me and let me pet him for a quite a while. On the other hand, I have one named Scarface who is as mean as they come. He waits for me to bend down to pick up something and attacks my hands and arms, he once drew blood on my wrist, through my gloves. Another one is really stand-offish and hard to catch, but not really mean either. They are a lot like people, I guess. Every one is different.

If you lived near me, I would give you my second-favorite, Dimple. He is a lovely rooster, friendly and easy to catch. I've never had a problem with him.

Good luck!
I want to get chicks of this breed that are not hatchery stock- in other words I want quality- and that have never been mixed with the Black Laced Red offspring of the Blue version. Are there any breeders who have these available? I also want Silver Laced and Partridge Wyandottes. Thanks!

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