Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!


I know you can't tell her size but she is much smaller than my other chicks were at 4 weeks. Could she be a bantom?
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Here's her sister. This one, I'm hoping is a girl too. She is right?
4 weeks old
In my opinion, nothing really screams rooster. The way she is standing almost makes me want to say cockerel, but that's probably just the way the photo is, since there isn't anything to back up my claim. Could I see a few more pics?
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Since I just posted on the SLW thread I figured I should post my other feathery dog, Coyote.

Now about 22 weeks (and not laying yet but im not holding it against her)
She's a bit too curious, and it's almost impossible to get a picture of her before she tries to eat the camera. She's incredibly friendly, and will even tolerate cuddles and purr at times! Well, she's friendly towards me; other people and her roommate, not so much;
We put in our order for 7 more baby chickens from My Pet Chicken! Proud to say that one of them will be a GLW! Hopefully she will make Lacey (our last GLW (eaten by a raccoon)) proud :)
A question for all of you.. When did your GLW start to get there adult feathering color. Mine are about 6-7w old and 2 of them just have the stripe of brown on a black feather.
Is it once they molt they get that coloring?
No, they don't have to molt before getting their coloring. As the feathers grow in, they should be the GLW coloring, although some of mine have changed slightly as they mature. I had one hen who was mostly black until she was about 3 1/2 months old, then she developed a little more gold and now is quite striking. Could your 2 be late bloomers? Are they as big as the others, and developing normally?
No, they don't have to molt before getting their coloring. As the feathers grow in, they should be the GLW coloring, although some of mine have changed slightly as they mature. I had one hen who was mostly black until she was about 3 1/2 months old, then she developed a little more gold and now is quite striking. Could your 2 be late bloomers? Are they as big as the others, and developing normally?

Yea I have 2 that are a light brown/blonde streaks and the other is getting the GLW coloring with in the last couple of days but the other 2 hasn't really changed that I can see

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