Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

No, they don't have to molt before getting their coloring. As the feathers grow in, they should be the GLW coloring, although some of mine have changed slightly as they mature. I had one hen who was mostly black until she was about 3 1/2 months old, then she developed a little more gold and now is quite striking. Could your 2 be late bloomers? Are they as big as the others, and developing normally?



The top is the one that is changing and the other photo is what the other 2 look like
I think mine got their coloring in around 3 months as well. By 4 months they had their coloring anyway. My hens looked like your second picture at that age.
So, I think this little guy/gal is a Gold Laced Wyandotte. Opinions? Bought him/her at Tractor Supply as an assorted Bantam.
I am new to chickens so I'm still learning but it looks like your baby has a bumpy comb coming. Wyandottes has a flat puffy rose comb. To everyone isn't bantams a small chicken?! I got my chickens from TSC as assorted bantams too. I don't want the smaller breeds, don't they lay small eggs?
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So, I think this little guy/gal is a Gold Laced Wyandotte. Opinions? Bought him/her at Tractor Supply as an assorted Bantam.
That doesn't look like a GLW. Maybe a Sebright? The comb looks straight, though. Is it?

Here's a picture of my GLW Martha at almost 2 weeks.

I am new to chickens so I'm still learning but it looks like your baby has a bumpy comb coming. Wyandottes has a flat puffy rose comb.

To everyone isn't bantams a small chicken?! I got my chickens from TSC as assorted bantams too. I don't want the smaller breeds, don't they lay small eggs?

Yes. Bantams are smaller chickens that lay smaller eggs. What breeds do you have? Some lay better than others. If they lay small eggs just use two when a recipe calls for one :).
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People here told me that I have some GLW
It is possible they were bred as GLWs, but as the single comb gene is recessive to rose comb you can get SC Wyandottes, which is a disqualification. I have some from a local breeder (black phase of Blue-Laced Reds) that throw SCs ... I am using those for meat birds, test breedings to see which of my potential breeders carries the recessive, and for a layer flock (table eggs, not for hatching).

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