Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Here's my now 6 week old golden laced Wyandotte. Judging by the wattles, I'm assuming it's a he. He is feathering so slowly, and everywhere that used to have down is bald! He's really an ugly duckling! Anyone else have theirs have patchy bald spots??
It's not from being picked on or anything, it's completely symmetrical and just in the places pin feathers haven't started yet. We have had red rangers, buff orpingtons, leghorns, a marans, a delaware, and a fayoumi, and none of them feathered this slowly or in such a funky way.

It's sort of endearing, but I do hope he grows feathers everywhere eventually.

I see that others are saying it's a cockerel but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's a female. Of course, the others are probably right since they're experienced with raising GLW's and this is my first GLW, but I do know that my 7 week old male already has a comb standing straight up with ridges and has had a prominent one for a few weeks now. Also, from all the pictures I googled it looks like females also have wattles and small flat comb. In your picture it looks like your GLW's comb is very small and flat. I posted two pictures below. The first is my 7 week old male so you can see his comb. The second is a picture I found on the internet of adult females next to an adult male so you can see the comb difference side by side. From pictures on the internet it looks like males typically have ridges on their comb and females have more flattened combs without ridges.

Here are the two ways we knew ours was a male:
1) His comb became more prominent around 5 weeks of age.
2) His tail is pointed instead of rounded. All of our cockerels have pointed tails and our females all have rounded tails. Obviously, hard to tell with a bald bum!

My guy is going through his second molt now so I'm glad you posted your picture. Now I won't have a panic attack if mine goes bald! I hope you'll post a picture on this thread once your GLW's feathers come in. I'd love to see how he/she turns out! I'm super jealous that ours ended up being a boy.

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and this is my first GLW, but I do know that my 7 week old male already has a comb standing straight up with ridges and has had a prominent one for a few weeks now. Also, from all the pictures I googled it looks like females also have wattles and small flat comb. In your picture it looks like your GLW's comb is very small and flat. I posted two pictures below. The first is my 7 week old male so you can see his comb. The second is a picture I found on the internet of adult females next to an adult male so you can see the comb difference side by side. From pictures on the internet it looks like males typically have ridges on their comb and females have more flattened combs without ridges.

Here are the two ways we knew ours was a male:
1) His comb became more prominent around 5 weeks of age.
2) His tail is pointed instead of rounded. All of our cockerels have pointed tails and our females all have rounded tails. Obviously, hard to tell with a bald bum!

My guy is going through his second molt now so I'm glad you posted your picture. Now I won't have a panic attack if mine goes bald! I hope you'll post a picture on this thread once your GLW's feathers come in. I'd love to see how he/she turns out! I'm super jealous that ours ended up being a boy.

Your cockerel has a single comb, which is recessive to the rose comb and still pops up over a century after the standard. I have a handful of single comb boys outside right now, one of which I am using over red broiler pullets. Here is a bad (fuzzy) pic of Spikey, who doesn't like the camera.

She's gorgeous! My Gold Laced Wyandotte is named Agnes too! 7 weeks old now. Except, I have to rename the poor thing because we found out she's actually a he! Anyone have ideas on what to name him? I'm at a loss. My other girl that also turned out to be a boy is named Mrs. Doubtfire. Lol.

Here are some pictures of "Agnes".

"Agnes" with Mrs. Doubtfire in the background.

"Agnes" should become Angus! My son actually called my Agnes that once in awhile. Good luck on renaming Mrs. Doubtfire, although you could pick one of the male names from the movie. I loved "Aunt Frank." So reassuring to see that my Agnes looks like she is supposed. To love BYC.
Your cockerel has a single comb, which is recessive to the rose comb and still pops up over a century after the standard. I have a handful of single comb boys outside right now, one of which I am using over red broiler pullets. Here is a bad (fuzzy) pic of Spikey, who doesn't like the camera.

Thanks for the info! I'm still learning.
Spikey is so pretty! I love the green. I'll bet he's quite the ladies man.
"Agnes" should become Angus! My son actually called my Agnes that once in awhile. Good luck on renaming Mrs. Doubtfire, although you could pick one of the male names from the movie. I loved "Aunt Frank." So reassuring to see that my Agnes looks like she is supposed. To love BYC.

Mrs. Doubtfire is what we changed the name of the other one to. When we thought it was a girl the name was Audrey Henburn. I thought Mrs. Doubtfire would be fitting since it was a boy masquerading as a girl!

Angus is cute. I like it! Thanks!

P.S. - Sorry for all the exclamation marks. Apparently I'm an excitable person this morning. Lol.
Spikey is so pretty! I love the green. I'll bet he's quite the ladies man.
If Spikey had a rose comb, he would certainly have been one of my GLW breeders, but as is he'll make a good sire for my meaties (especially when crossed onto Feyd's daughters who inherit Feyd's lovely big breast). Like most young roosters, Spikey certainly believes he is "quite the ladies' man." That "green" is actually the sheen on his black feathers. He and his half-brothers all have it, and they are all wonderfully glossy in the sunlight.

Spikey's half-brothers, Tiny and Azar, both have rose combs, although Azar's may be a bit tall, which would indicate he carries the recessive gene for the single comb. I set 8 eggs from Tiny and the Flashy Girls under my neighbor's hen earlier this week, so here's hoping for beautiful GLW babies!

ETA: apparently, I have not posted a pic of Tiny in this thread yet. Feyd's pic is on page 81.
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If Spikey had a rose comb, he would certainly have been one of my GLW breeders, but as is he'll make a good sire for my meaties (especially when crossed onto Feyd's daughters who inherit Feyd's lovely big breast). Like most young roosters, Spikey certainly believes he is "quite the ladies' man." That "green" is actually the sheen on his black feathers. He and his half-brothers all have it, and they are all wonderfully glossy in the sunlight.

Spikey's half-brothers, Tiny and Azar, both have rose combs, although Azar's may be a bit tall, which would indicate he carries the recessive gene for the single comb. I set 8 eggs from Tiny and the Flashy Girls under my neighbor's hen earlier this week, so here's hoping for beautiful GLW babies!

ETA: apparently, I have not posted a pic of Tiny in this thread yet. Feyd's pic is on page 81.

Good luck with the eggs! I'm sure they'll be gorgeous GLW's.
Just brought these two home yesterday. Was looking for silver laced but we were happy with the gold laced.

They all look like hens to me. Here's my 7 week old that we thought was a female but turned out to be a male. See how big his comb is at 7 weeks old? If you have any males they'll have that comb.
he is very pretty. Though he had a single comb instead of a rose comb. I wish I could get a roo, but id have to rid my flock of a couple meanies first
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