Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

I got some pictures not good ones since she runs from me and one of my BO was trying to model for me so I got what I could and I will post them when I get to work so I can use the wifi

Jess, are they in with a rooster?  If it's only the two pullets, they might have poor feather quality which doesn't hold up to the normal activity of a rooster mounting them.
Here are my girlsbwith feather problems


Ok, silly question. My 9 week old GLW still has quite the downy bottom. Does it stay that way or will she get regular feathers? Don't care, it's just hubby asked and I don't know. Thanks.



I was supposed to get two females. Oh well. The male has a gimpy wing, the first 3-4 feathers stick out. Is there a way to fix this or will he grow out of it?

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