Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Here's a couple of pics of my hatchery GLW hen, Nacho. She is about 3 years old I think.

Wow, she's got really pretty lacing for a hatchery bird! I like how even it is on her wings...very pretty girl!! I hope my little Elena turns out that lovely (she's hatchery stock, too). Do you have a pic of her eggs? I'd love to see them!
Beautiful birds everyone! Here are a couple more pictures of my GLW, Brie. She's about 9 months old.



She lays the light brown egg in the lower left:
Brie is a beautiful bird. I have one GLW named Daisy. she is almost 35 weeks old. I am almost despairing of getting any eggs. I know she barely got old enough to lay when winter hit. I can't wait until spring- maybe I will see eggs then. Here she is in her Christmas apron. Taken the day after Christmas. Her wing is clipped so she doesn't fly over the fence- but she is a great jumper and can easily settle in the bird bath- it is empty at this time.
Hello Oldhen and others! I have 6 GLW and 3 SilverLW + one gold roo and one silver roo from McMurray. They turned 29 weeks on Jan 9th and I am thrilled and amazed that they started laying on Dec 2 and have worked their way up in egg numbers to todays new record of 8 eggs from the 9 pullets. Is this crazy good, average or what? These are my first chickens ever. They are free range all day & locked up at night. Does free range & having roos help produce early eggs? I might add that I'm in the mountains at 6400 feet and we've had several nights as low as 9 or 10 degrees and highs in the 30's and 40's. Again, I feel truly blessed that these teenagers are being so productive. I'm curious being a first-time chicken owner if this is typical Wyandottes. We studied a lot to decide what would be the best for our cold climate and get good layers. Bingo! Oldhen, I'm curious - do you have roos or free range? Why would yours not be laying and mine are? I'm a sort of an info geek and always want to learn more. I'm sure your pretty girl will lay for you pretty soon!
Hello Oldhen and others! I have 6 GLW and 3 SilverLW + one gold roo and one silver roo from McMurray. They turned 29 weeks on Jan 9th and I am thrilled and amazed that they started laying on Dec 2 and have worked their way up in egg numbers to todays new record of 8 eggs from the 9 pullets. Is this crazy good, average or what? These are my first chickens ever. They are free range all day & locked up at night. Does free range & having roos help produce early eggs? I might add that I'm in the mountains at 6400 feet and we've had several nights as low as 9 or 10 degrees and highs in the 30's and 40's. Again, I feel truly blessed that these teenagers are being so productive. I'm curious being a first-time chicken owner if this is typical Wyandottes. We studied a lot to decide what would be the best for our cold climate and get good layers. Bingo! Oldhen, I'm curious - do you have roos or free range? Why would yours not be laying and mine are? I'm a sort of an info geek and always want to learn more. I'm sure your pretty girl will lay for you pretty soon!
A lot of the laying depends on daylight. Not enough daylight will decrease egg production. Typically when winter hits before a pullet starts laying it is common for them to. Not lay until Spring when the days get longer. I turned lights on in our coop after Christmas and my pullets from an August hatch have begun laying their first eggs. Our red sex-link pullets began laying in September and they have laid like champs all winter so far. More common in sex links and pullets to get decent egg numbers that first winter but nothing is for sure and much depends on daylight.
Brie is a beautiful bird. I have one GLW named Daisy. she is almost 35 weeks old. I am almost despairing of getting any eggs. I know she barely got old enough to lay when winter hit. I can't wait until spring- maybe I will see eggs then. Here she is in her Christmas apron. Taken the day after Christmas. Her wing is clipped so she doesn't fly over the fence- but she is a great jumper and can easily settle in the bird bath- it is empty at this time.

My GLW hens did not lay until they were 8 months old.

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