Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!


I've been away from the forums for a while and now I peeped back and there's a thread on GLWs! Yay! I have both GLWs and SLWs and a couple of whites - my main roo ATM is a GLW (though I'm hoping one from this year's SLW hatch turns out to be roo as we do want one of each).

Pullet from this year's hatch (body shape looks a bit off, but that's because she's been stuffing herself *lol* They are great but greedy foragers!):


Our current roo (old picture, he's all grown now):


Our old roo:


And an old hen:


We do have more GLWs from this year's hatch but they're very shy when I bring my camera
You can't help it... They are just gorgeous... and I think, if I had unlimited resources, I could become a GLW/SLW glutten. I think maybe next year I might also try and find a few BLRW(?). Those are just beautiful too. BUT I love my Golds.

My fav is the last on of the old hen... where are your lines originally from?
Nice birds!
Yes I'm already BLRW/SLW glutton

My fav is the last on of the old hen... where are your lines originally from?
Nice birds!
Yes I'm already BLRW/SLW glutton

Thank you - I'm based in Norway (Europe) so my chickens were bought from lines that have been in Denmark, Sweden and Norway for quite a long time
I'm not sure at which point they were brought in from the US, nor where in the States they originate, sorry.

My fav is the last on of the old hen... where are your lines originally from?
Nice birds!
Yes I'm already BLRW/SLW glutton

Thank you - I'm based in Norway (Europe) so my chickens were bought from lines that have been in Denmark, Sweden and Norway for quite a long time
I'm not sure at which point they were brought in from the US, nor where in the States they originate, sorry.

Thanks! Guess I won't be buying eggs/chicks from you then! Ha ha ha
they are beautiful!
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I wonder how you'd ship eggs from Norway and still have them manage to get here with out being totally messed up! Oh... you don't... Bummer.

I just had to take my girls out of the garage. They've decided to sleep with the silkies... I have a bantam mutt that keeps mounting them, he's about the same age, 6 months... Well anyway, he's at that hormone ruled age, and all the hens are fair game. SO, they stayed in the garage last night, and went to do it again tonight, but there is not enough room in the silkies coop and I do not want them roosting on the shelves... SO, had to take them out to the coop in the dark tonight, and I do not think they were very happy about it. BUT, they need to be in a safe spot... AND my silkie roo is not very good about sharing. HAHA. He doesn't see very well, so he will attack everything first, ask questions later. LOL.

I think I may have gotten my first pullet egg from my silver today though... Either her or my pro-red...
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I still have one Partridge hen laying and her pen barely has any access to sunlight at all. I just built a barn in front of her only window and she's still going at it. I'm sure she'll give up pretty soon, but for now
.... Maybe I should set those eggs for layer potential.


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