Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

If you want her to add new blood to your flock I say go for it - though do remember to quarantene her! (I generally don't add any adult birds to my flock because of the range of illnesses they can bring with them). Mine still lay, though not so frequently, at 7-8 years. They hadn't slowed down at 4-5.

Thanks for the info.
7-8 yrs old and still laying! Total wow. I did not know a hen would still lay at that age. I am hoping to have chickens live that long period!

I saw on youtube a rooster that was 15 yrs old, blind, didn't crow, had to have the food put right in front of him, cuz he didn't really do much moving anymore, but just kept hanging on. Was pretty healthy for an old geriatric bird. Could you imagine?
We sort of have a live and let live attitude so most of our hens get to sort of trot around the place and lay the odd egg until they keel over
(unless they get ill) I guess a lot of peeps kill off theirs before they even reach that age, as they are poorer layers. But hey, pretty is pretty
I'm guessing our oldest won't survive the winter though.
I kinda have that attitude too. My neighbor just got rid of a bunch of older hens. Well, if you call 3 old. I think he should have kept them, but I do understand why he didn't. Feed costs and all.

Here is the plan that I have with mine girls. Eat, drink, be merry, lay me an egg as often as you can, and when you can't anymore... Eat, drink, and be merry. After all, they should have the right to retire to happy foraging when they can no longer lay. After all, I got them for the eggs. Not for the dinner table. I have some roosters for that. HEEHEEEHEEE
I'm the same - I have a bunch of pensioners! They might lay an egg now and then. I like to think they are a stabilizing force in the flock hierarchy. None of the young ones mess around with the matriarchs - they put them in their places.
A rooster. In photo #2 you can see the pointed feathers before his tail (saddle). That indicates the sex.

Yep, my guess was right. Being a newbie, I did good! However, I can't keep him because I'm in the suburbs. Looking for a good home soon.

Thanks everyone
I wish I could but I live in the suburbs. I've seen pictures of mature cockerels and they look absolutely beautiful.

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