Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

After much consideration, I passed on the older GLW and decided to stick with the chicks. The eggs I ordered on ebay (12) were reduced down to 4 pretty quickly and I wasn't too optimistic as their air cells seemed very distorted. I decided to order some GLW chicks from a hatchery to go with my chicks. I rec'd 4 female and 1 male from the hatchery and 2 of my eggs actually hatched. Hopefully my two won't be males, one will be enough for me. If I end up with more than one male is their anyone around Charlottesville, Va that would be interested in getting a free male GLW? I am looking forward to watching them grow into the beautiful patterned bird they are. Will keep you posted on my chicks and will continue to enjoy reading the thread.
Birds don't seem to be troubled by our recent cold weather. We have had below zero recently and the GLW's say, "So?"

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas and New Years.

Anyone put their christmas tree out in the chicken yard after taking it down?
Hi all. I just wanted to post a offer a free GLW 4 1/2 week old rooster to anyone interested in coming to pick him up. I have a hatched a few more males than I want to keep and would love to see him go to a fellow BYC'er. Let me know if you want him. I am in Charlottesville, VA.
Hi all. I just wanted to post a offer a free GLW 4 1/2 week old rooster to anyone interested in coming to pick him up. I have a hatched a few more males than I want to keep and would love to see him go to a fellow BYC'er. Let me know if you want him. I am in Charlottesville, VA.

So one of your hatched chicks turned out to be a roo?

I've been reading along, but haven't actually posted til now. I hatched 6 chicks last weekend that are reported to be GLW. Three of them looked all wrong at hatch- very light and chipmunky. However, 5/6 are starting to feather in with at least the correct colors. I can't wait to see how they look when they're older, I think GLW are so beautiful.

I am very excited to see how mine turn out. At 4 1/2 weeks I am seeing some with great feather pattern and some that are looking iffy. I will give them time. I put 12 in the incubator and by lockdown the number of viable eggs was down considerably so I ordered some from hatchery as well (4 female/1 male) then they sent me an extra GLW also. So between hatchery ordered, hatchery extra and the eggs I hatched I have at least 2 possible 3 GLW roosters. I also ordered 5 straight run SLW and have at least 2 or three roosters there as well. Also incubated and hatched 4 BLRW but they all seem to be turning out as black laced instead of blue laced however I only appear to have one rooster in that bunch. Excited for all to keep growing and to see how they all end up. I definitely had none as light as the chicks that are shown previous but I don't know enough of wyandottes to say wether they are off or just a variation.
I am just watching my GLW chicks grow. Can't wait for warmer weather so I can move them to the outside coop permanantly. Most were hatchery chicks and a few were from eggs hatched. Some look great, some don't but I will give them time to grow and see how they look then. Ended up with three males. Gave 2 away to a young highschool boy who is looking to start his own flock. Now, as I said, just waiting for them to grow up. Good luck finding some eggs or chicks.

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