Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Can anyone tell me who has quality GLW's? I can find hatchery chicks, but I'm looking for the best I can get. I'd really appreciate suggestion and contact info if you have it.
I love the sound of a new crow. Especially when it freaks out the other chicks. THEY ALL STOP MOVING! LOL.

As for quality chicks, I'd place a thread in the the wanted section for them and see what you get. I know about hatchery chicks. Nothing like getting a strait comb when they aren't supposed to... Not always good pattern/color/feathering. I wish I could remember who I got my first GLW/SLWs from. I got some very nice birds from her last year.

Anyway, Hope you find what you are looking for.
I love the sound of a new crow. Especially when it freaks out the other chicks. THEY ALL STOP MOVING! LOL.

As for quality chicks, I'd place a thread in the the wanted section for them and see what you get. I know about hatchery chicks. Nothing like getting a strait comb when they aren't supposed to... Not always good pattern/color/feathering. I wish I could remember who I got my first GLW/SLWs from. I got some very nice birds from her last year.

Anyway, Hope you find what you are looking for.

Thanks, and I thought of that, but I also thought I'd get better responses from this forum rather than the other.
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Here is my GLW
I named her Amelia because she was the first one to fly the coop! Haha. Here she is at 4 days old, 12 days old and perched on the top edge of her brooder. My question the combs of GLW turn pink quickly?! I know she is too young to tell her sex but at 3 weeks old her comb looks very pink
She has feathered out the fastest which I know hens usually do but none of the others (I have an EE, RIR and Red Star) have any pink in their combs yet so I am starting to wonder. (these pics aren't updated so they don't show the new pink color...)

I wouldn't stress about it so early...but my friends are getting 2 RIR chicks that they can't keep....and I may consider taking them if I am going to wind up with a rooster
Well, give it several more weeks yet. Watch its behaviour. If you don't want a roo, You can always eat him... don't take that the wrong way, but GLW's are a dual purpose bird, and you'll know that he was fed well and had a good life. AND when he hit about 16-18 weeks, will be the best time. BUT if you can keep him, you can always breed him to your others and get more GLW chicks. I love my GLWs. My neighbor got GLWs after seeing mine.

Your chick is so cute! How many GLW's did you get?
I only got one GLW. I got 4 chicks total, this is my first time having chickens so I figured I would start small. If she does turn out to be a he, haha, I will try to keep him, my town doesn't have anything stating I can't. As long as he wasn't mean and my neighbors didn't complain I would keep it. I think she/he is going to be gorgeous and I'm already attached
I like having all the different colors in my flock so I probably won't take the extra 2 RIRs (even though I think I am going to love RIRs too), I have soo many chicken types I want now! Haha. Plus, for now I will just have a 4'x4' coop with a 4'x12' or so run.

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