Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

They are 3 weeks now, I just haven't taken updated pictures but I know I still shouldn't be able to tell. I was just wondering because I noticed the comb was so dark pink and the rest are all pale yellow. So far she's definitely the bravest, but not aggressive... the EE is by far the most aggressive, and the biggest. I got them from mypetchicken. Thanks for your help :)
I ordered day old chicks. I pulled them all out of the brooder yesterday and I swear the EE and GLW were jumping all over the other two chicks...a roo wouldn't begin that behavior so early right?! I know I am being paranoid, haha, why am I worrying already?! I hope they are all hens but all I can do is wait and see I guess...
My RIR and Red Star are so much more mellow, but they're also not even close to as smart as the GLW and EE. Well, I guess I would call the GLW smart and the EE just more aggressive and pushy. Haha, crazy how different their personalities can be.
They are 3 weeks now, I just haven't taken updated pictures but I know I still shouldn't be able to tell. I was just wondering because I noticed the comb was so dark pink and the rest are all pale yellow. So far she's definitely the bravest, but not aggressive... the EE is by far the most aggressive, and the biggest. I got them from mypetchicken. Thanks for your help :)

I have 3 GLW chicks that are about 3 weeks old. One has the pink comb and is starting to sprout red waddles and the other 2 are still yellow on the comb. Check the waddles, if they are coming out red already I would say you have a roo.

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