Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

My golden laced wyandottes started laying last week! They were 21 weeks old when they started! Woohoo! Beautiful brown eggs! :)
My gals are about 19-20 weeks old now and just started laying. I don't have an updated photo of them since they got to be big gals.

Would love to find them a purebred rooster as some point as I love the breed! I actually thought this one might be a rooster but no she is very much an egg laying hen.
She is very pretty. A GLW roo only looks like the hens for a minute, then the lacing leaves for the most part and a lot of red/gold shows. The are beautiful boys. Neighbor has one, but he is destined for the freezer... We are in Holland Michigan... If you are close enough, bet you could get him for a song and a dance.
Hi Everyone,
I just "inherited" 2, 13 week old GLW's.
I am in the process of integrating them in with my other 3, 6 month old pullets.
My question is.... since I've never owned them before do they look healthy and female?
Big Ang (in the foreground) is quite a bit bigger and darker than Drita (in the back).
Drita has some feathers missing from her neck. Not sure if it's the result of bullying, or an over zealous rooster.
Any advice or info. would be much appreciated :)
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