Golden Sebrite - poor egg layers?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 28, 2013
Vernon CT

I don't know where or how this fact came about sebrites being poor egg layers. Not only does my golden sebrite Cameron lay nearly everyday, but her egg size is significant in comparison to her body size. Here are her eggs from the past 7 days with an egg from one of my Rhode Island Reds (just to compare the size difference). Maybe I just got lucky with this hen or maybe I just found the right formula of happiness and food.

Here is Cameron, my poor egg layer NOT! She actually lays more often than my RIRs. And her eggs almost weigh as much as she does! Go figure...
Based on my experience with Sebrights, yours are very unusual. Mine only laid one egg a week per hen (two if I was lucky). They were certainly beautiful chickens though. :eek:)

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