

Jan 19, 2017
Thanks for the advice so far tony, kevin an birdmanmax, there seems to be agreement that goldens are the best type of pheasant if someone wants broody hens. so my next question is will goldens hatch an raise other types of pheasants? after reading several other posts talking about some pheasants will only lay 2 or 3 eggs in a clutch or that some breeds of pheasants seldom go broody, would it be best to have goldens raise other types of pheasants. would this be a good or bad ideal ? thanks for any help
Some pheasants will abandon the nest if you mess with them once they set , goldens are pretty laid back so i would think they would accept anything , i knew a guy that used swinhoe hens to hatch his satyr eggs , i personally use bantam hens and incubator , r com mx 50 and a graumbach s83
I have noticed that my GP-hens will often relocate if I disturb "rob" the nest and sometimes its a game of hide-n-seek. So if you can plant them without any disturbance, they should treat them like their own.

I incubate the eggs so I don't have to worry about a broody bird.

Problem solved until the thunderstorms knock out the electricity! lol.

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